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This system is miss named.
The games inside the database refers to the APF MP1000 that was a cartridge based console released in 1978

Here is the mame entry: http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/dettaglio_mame.php?game_name=apfm1000

The APF Imagination Machine is a cassette computer that is based on APF's own BASIC language.
It has it's own list of games.

Here is the mame entry: http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/dettaglio_mame.php?game_name=apfimag

Mame splits these two machines up (as they should be) so they cannot be combined inside of LaunchBox as mame won't know what machine to call without editing each game individualy.

If it is possible, it would be nice to have the current DB entry of "APF Imagination Machine" changed to "APF MP1000 or APF MP-1000" and leave the "APF Imagination Machine" entry for the computer that is emulatable in mame.

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