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How to easily rename Game Controller artwork to match LB


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Considering all the controller artwork isn't named properly to just "work" here's a quick painless way to make it happen in less than 15 minutes!

If your current controller artwork doesn't match the platform roms name, then download this. It's an easy to use file renamer utility.
When your done with that part.......
1.) Open the LB audit tool and copy and paste all info into a spreadsheet.  (Google spreadsheet is free)
2.) Delete all columns except the Application Path column and the Games Database ID column (so now they are column A and B)
3.) Copy columns A and B and paste into notepad ++
4.) Click search, find, replace.
5.) In the Find What field copy and paste the rom path up to the rom name itself (include the \ before the rom name) 
6.) On the Replace What field type ren "  (there's a space between ren and ")
7.) In the Find What field type .zip   (If your roms have a different file extension use that instead)
8.) On the Replace With field use .jpg"   (or if your image is png use png instead)
9.) Click Replace All button 
10.) In the Find What field type Launchbox DB ID #  
11.) On the Replace With field leave blank
12.) Click Replace All button 
13.) On the Find What field change to $
14.) On the Replace With field type .jpg
15.) Change the Search mode option from normal to Regular Expressions
16.) Click replace all 
Your finished product command line should resemble: ren "picture 1 name.jpg" 77777.jpg   
17.) Save file as a .bat file, place it in your controller artwork folder and run it. 

Edited by CLE
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