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no intro full set updating issue


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I'm one of those people that goes for full no intro sets... a completionist as it were. Updating within Launchbox has always been a bit of a chore. Up until now, I always had my games combined. So Europe versions were additional roms for example. The problem has been that when roms are renamed, removed, or added, it was impossible to have Launchbox scan for these changes and "merge" that with what I already had. With lots of roms changing over the course of say a year and half (about how long I waited this time to do a full update of some rom sets), you can imagine the dirtiness of it all.

So I had a few options. First, I could just accept that the sets would be dirty. This drives me crazy in some part of my lizard brain so I try to avoid that. My other option (in the past) was to remove each platform (media and all) and re-import so it was nice and clean. This obviously took a long time.

This leads me to this latest round of updates. I chose a new path. This time I was going to remove each platform, leaving the media in place, then re-import but this time just do the whole thing without combined games. The hope being that the next time I go to update, since everything is separated, I can actually scan for missing games and then import any missing games smoothly. I could then clean up the media as a final step.

This has led to following issue. In this example I was attempting to update my SNES set. So first I deleted the platform, ensuring the media was left in place. Next, I imported all the SNES roms with the following settings:

  • All media is checked, including EmuMovies
  • Image downloads per image group is set to 1
  • Remove matched duplicate images is un-checked
  • no bezels project import
  • combined roms turned off

After several minutes of processing, the media downloads begin. This has been REALLY slow. That goes for both Launchbox media and EmuMovies. It has taken about 24 hours to finish downloading the media from Launchbox before now moving onto EmuMovies. The strange part here I can sit and watch it take multiple minutes to get a single file. One yesterday took something like 8 hours.

I want to point out that my installation of Launchbox is running off a NAS. I know someone is going to suggest that my HD is bad (everything else is running fine so I don't think this is the case) , or that running over the network is bad... but in my experience it has been just fine and solves an issue that is of scope here. I mention this because, while it doesn't seem like this is an issue since the bandwidth being used by Launchbox mentioned above is no where near the limit of the HD array or network, I can't rule this out as an issue. But I will say, this was never a problem in the past when updating sets.

I also bring this up because I can see the bandwidth and total data used by Launchbox. When one of those image download stalls is happening, I check task manager, where it reports that Launchbox is using roughly 2MB/s of network. This doesn't appear to be internet traffic, but instead just a steady stream of data from the NAS. For the past 24 hours, windows reports that Launchbox has used nearly 300 GB of data download. Clearly I have not downloaded 300 GB of media (verified with my network stats), so that is mostly data from the NAS.

So the questions are what is causing this to be so slow and what is Launchbox doing with all of that data from the NAS? It's almost like before it downloads any media file, it is scanning for something. But then none of the results are cached, so when it goes to download the next file, it just rescans again... or something? Any ideas here?

Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 10.12.27 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-12-30 at 10.11.57 AM.png

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