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Note; Originally taken from Reddit, posted by Echoj2. I found these while looking into making an English 1G1R set. It includes Japanese games that are not English but have little to no Japanese text which afaik is very difficult to do using clrmamepro. You will to build your own up-to-date No-Intro set or you will be missing some roms.

This morning I made some No-Intro-based batch files for various console and handhelds for someone in another post. Seeing as they might be useful to some people, I decided to post them here as well.

1G1R means "One Game One ROM", which further means that there is only one copy of each game.

The Batch Files

These were made with the following ROMs in the order listed.

  • USA

  • Europe - Exclusives and Semi-Exclusives That Require Localization Only

  • Japan (En) - Japan Games That Are In English

  • Japan - English-Friendly Japan Games That Are Semi-Exclusive To Europe

Basic Info

  • Just grab each ZIP for the systems you want from the folder, unpack them, run the batch files in the system's No-Intro ROM Set's ROM ZIP folder, then you'll have a new folder of ROMs including just the English games.

You should know that if your No-Intro ROM Set is outdated on the names for the ROM ZIPs, then the batch files will not get every game; the same goes for if they are updated as well, but only Japanese games change names often. That's just how things go and you'll have to update your No-Intro ROM Sets then make your own 1G1R ROM Set to be certain you have everything, which you can read how to do directly below.

However, keep in mind you can also use my new future-proof DAT files instead of No-Intro's latest 1G1R DAT files, with the advantage of mine being that I have the multi-cart re-releases and special controller games removed (among other things).


  • 2017-11-07: Cleaned up Atari 2600 bat. Think it is the only way to get a No-Intro 1G1R ROM Set (barring the special controller required games) for Atari 2600 on the internet now. Still need to prune bad prototypes... well... the ones that have the (Proto) tag and don't work or are too unfinished; published prototypes (yeah, they did that back then) are treated the same as published finished games since they were widespread released.

  • 2018-03-19: Today I finished the Atari 2600 batch file. It's about as good as it gets as far as I'm concerned. The unreleased game prototypes have been pruned down to what appears to only be the games that are complete enough to be called games. Can't be sure I have every Atari 2600 game or the best version of games that were renamed and re-released, but its current state is about as good as it gets.

  • 2018-03-20: Updated the problem spreadsheet. Mostly a bunch of N/A for lots of systems. Updated some batch files here and there, though nothing major outside of finally getting rid of the emulated NES ports in the GBA batch file.

  • 2018-04-06: Lots of updating over the past few days. Most Semi-Exclusive Europe games should now be replaced wherever possible with English-Friendly Japan games. Numerous Special Controller Required games also removed, though not completely.

  • 2018-04-09: Added Magnavox - Odyssey2 batch file in preparation of the new RetroArch update that will add keyboard to gamepad remapping.

  • 2018-04-10: I've done horrible things today. Fixed N64 batch file so that it gets "Superman - The New Superman Aventures" and learned more about a game I wish I could forget. Added the unlicensed Tengen and Codemasters games to the NES batch file due to their their fame/notoriety, respectfully. Tengen made some fine games, while Codemasters... made a few good ones... I promise. Updated all batch files to No-Intro names as of 2018-04-08 and have made a mental note to not update again until nearly future-proof custom 1G1R DATs are made.

  • 2018-05-16: The future-proof DATs have been made! They are included with each batch file in case there is a name issue with batch files. Just need to tackle the prototype pruning, then prune the whole Odyssey2/Videopac batch/DAT due to the emulators incompatibilities and make a Videopac+ batch/DAT that has gone through the same process as the Odyssey2/Videopac.

  • 2018-05-18: Added 1G1R lists for Sega CD and TurboGrafx-CD. Hope someone finds them useful, though I can't say for certain how accurate the TurboGrafx-CD one is due to the fact I only spent a minimal amount of time time removing USA released games from my main Japan collection: please report any duplicates.

  • 2018-07-04: Full update of batches and DATs, and slightly improved all of them (hopefully). Added Intellivision now that No-Intro supports it. Put all DATs in a single archive since anyone that knows how to use them would just want to get them, and save all other users from downloading something they aren't going to use.

  • 2018-07-13: Updated batches and DATs again. Narrowed scope of project to just official releases, a few notable unlicensed on the NES, and two prototypes that should just be unpublished in the USA yet complete otherwise.

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I went from the same USA/EU ROM sets 90% of people use to making my own 1G1R sets using these batch files.

No more dupes of the same games repacked as 2 in 1 releases plus Japanese games that you can work out how to play without any knowledge of the language is great, I've found myself adding Japanese systems I would of never added before.

Making a up to date no-intro set was a bit of a pain but if you need help I'm sure I can point you in the right direction.



Thanks man!



Absolutely awesome. Thank you so much for doing this.

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