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About This File

30 Wii Video Snaps that were missing from my collection and couldn't find at Emumovies. So I downloaded some gameplay videos from Youtube and cut them down to roughly 40+ secs per file (roughly what the usual Wii video snaps titles are on Emumovies) I also had to have a better version of these two titles as the ones on Emumovies were no good. Goldeneye 007 = just someone looking around a room/no action & Madden NFL13 = a stuttering 2 second video

Have now completed my Video Snaps for my 77 wii collection. Happy Dayz.


What's New in Version 1.1   See changelog


Just a couple of extra Wii video snaps for "Scarface The World is Yours" and "Mercury Meltdown Revolution"

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