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4 Screenshots

About This File

This pack contains 4 additional "ReignStumble" inspired platform icons for those still rocking that original set. Like many I fell in love with those totally killer platform icons that are sadly no longer available. (I would absolutely love vector versions of those!)

At the time I thought I could plug in the missing gaps in my platform collection by creating new one's from scratch but a few icons in I realised the sheer amount of work involved. I would truly love to know who the original artist was! I've had these kicking around for a while so thought I'd share them for anyone who still might find them useful  :) I don't have any plans to do any more as I've moved themes but I did the Atari Joysick as my generic "platform" which seemed to work pretty well.

Note: Sorry this should be in Platform Media. I'll see if I can move it!

Edited by Indyj

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