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Daphne / Singe media - Marquees (16:3), Box fronts, 3D boxes, Clear logos 2.0.0

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37 Screenshots

About This File

Hi all, I was recently setting up American Laser Games and Daphne (Singe and Singe v2).

I needed to create some 3D boxes and marquees (16:3 which suits my stretched LCD) and box fronts, clear logos etc. 

I found some of this stuff on the internet but created a lot too so there's new stuff and some improved stuff.

I thought I'd just share them here in case they came in handy for anyone else? Just saves you doing the same work if you're trying to get some media for Daphne.

What's New in Version 2.0.0   See changelog


Added videos

Also added Daitarn 3 images and video


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