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Arcade Floor Theme for BigBox 1.02
by chinagreenelvis

Arcade Floor is designed for use and visibility on a traditional arcade cabinet CRT or television set in 4x3 but will stretch to any aspect ratio. It relies entirely on the text-based menu system and works well with Platform Categories views for those who take advantage of custom playlists and sub-lists for platforms.

Game fanart backgrounds will display in the games details view if they are enabled in the background priorities list in the LaunchBox settings.

To create your own background images for non-included platforms, a Photoshop file has been included in the Arcade Floor DIY Backgrounds ZIP file. Just place the background image of your choice into the platform folder layer and the vaporwave overlay will give it the right look. Exported images must go into two folders: Arcade Floor/Media/Platforms and Arcade Floor/Images/Platforms/Fanart.

Theme colors (purple and blue hues) are produced entirely by the background images, so if you want to create a whole new look, you can subsitute your own backgrounds by replacing those images. Deleting the images entirely will default each view to the images in the Aracdian/Media/Backgrounds folder.

In order to prevent audio from game videos from continuing to play when entering games details view or scrolling through the list, try setting the video playback engine in Big Box to Windows Media Player instead of VLC.

Most of Arcade Floor was made with the Community Theme Creator for BigBox 2.3 and is compatible with LaunchBox 12.9 as of this version.

Get the CTC here: https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/file/2115-community-theme-creator-for-bigbox/



This version contains a modified (simplified) version of the Random Game Selector by G-rila (https://github.com/G-rila/BigBoxRGS). In any games menu, hold right in order to get a pop up item for randomly selecting a game. Pressing the select button in the pop-up will automatically begin a random game from your current playlist.

The CTC files for version 1.00 do not include the code for this plugin, but you get can get the DLL from 1.01 and re-add it to TextGamesView.xaml after publishing by following the instructions on GitHub. The secondary grid code for this theme is slightly different than the example provided:

<Grid x:Name="RGSGrid" HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Top"   Width="{Binding ElementName=Canvas, Path=ActualWidth}" Height="{Binding ElementName=Canvas, Path=ActualHeight}" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Panel.ZIndex="1000"  >
	<bbrgs:RGSv2_0 HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" ShowGameDetails="False" ShowGameNotes="False" CheckForUpdates="True"/>

Edited by chinagreenelvis

What's New in Version 1.02   See changelog


Added line-wrapping to MenuItemView.xaml particularly for additional apps/versions.

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