About This File
These are the system icons and the background images from the Wii U games from my collection. And every game in the collection is from the US release except for Pokemon Rumble U which Cemu labels as "Many". This is a total of 734 Wii U games that doesn't include any virtual console games or demo's I believe.
I took my Wii U collection, made sure that all of them were assigned to the database and about 99% sure they are all linked to the appropriate titles and made sure to add any missing ones to the database. Then dumped the system icon the Wii U displays on the system and the background image it displays when loading the game for each of them.
If you have a bigbox theme that mimics the Wii, Wii U, 3DS or Switch menus, these icons would be perfect for that. With the background art, I figure it doesn't get more accurate then including what they included in the game itself.
All files were converted to PNG format at their native resolutions so should be as accurate as you can get. If anyone wants to do the same for other languages or for games I did not have in my collection, they are located in the games meta folder in TGA format. I personally used a program called "FastStone Photo Resizer" which can convert TGA to PNG or JPG is free and has a portable version as well and can do batch conversions.
I have not added these files to the database but if anyone wants to it would be appreciated.
Off-topic, not sure how Nintendo allowed the background art for "Cutie Pets Pick Berries", yes, the art is from the actual game itself.
Edited by Fugus