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3 Screenshots

About This File

This file contains 1065 url shortcuts to Antstream games (not all games, but most) - Please feel free to let me know what is missing and I will add it in due time.
They open a webpage using your default web browser which will open the Antstream app.

NO IMAGES ARE CONTAINED - I need to find a way to scrape their site for images as they differ in shape from the original
NO PLATFORM SEPERATION - Antstream contains many platforms (Gameboy, SNES, Arcade, Atari, etc). As there are no images for these in LB, you could choose "scrape  as" the platform for the ones you like. E.g "40 Winks" you could scrape as "Sony PlayStation" to get PlayStation art, details, etc. (I'm working on adding the platform as a "Source", and have playlists under Antstream for each supported Platform... this will take some time but once done I will upload the .xml)
Any help for the above would be really appreciated. 

Ensure you are logged into Antstream on their website: https://live.antstream.com/homepage
Ensure you have the Antstream App installed: https://downloads.antstream.com/antstreamInstaller-2.1.2744.exe / https://www.antstream.com/

Download the 7zip
Extract and add the shortcut files to your games folder 
E.g: Launchbox/Games/Antstream

Select all the files > Drag and Drop into Launchbox
What type of game files are you importing > choose "None of the Above"
Platform > Antstream (or whatever you prefer)
Do not scrape media (are there is a mixture of Platforms so LB might not pick the right ones)

What's New in Version 1.0.1   See changelog


- Added Launchbox icon to screenshots
- Added Platform image to screenshots

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