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2 Screenshots

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NOTE: NES and SNES overlays are removed, hopefully temporarily. I'm awaiting a response from fercho.



Here's some animated overlays that I modified to fit my cell phone screen. I plan to make more overlays for other platforms too, and will update this post as I finish them.

Video Demonstration of the NES, SNES, GB, and GBC overlays

Modifications I made to the overlays:
- Resized game window to run at an integer scaled resolution as large as possible, to avoid issues with shaders
- Made buttons much larger, because I'm very uncomfortable using touch controls and have big thumbs.
- Recreated overlay using this retropad editor to fit my phone screen, which has an odd resolution (2400x1080)
- Added buttons to control Retroarch: Exit (double tap), Fast Forward, Open RA Menu, Load State, and Save State


Full credit to these people for making the awesome original overlays!

NES: Fercho's NES Overlay
SNES: Fercho's SNES Overlay (Also maybe MrRetroLust and OrionsAngel, I may have used part of their overlays, I don't remember)

GB: Press Start Button's Gameboy Overlay
GBC: Press Start Button's Gameboy Color Overlay


Side note: Yes, I know some of the buttons don't overlap quite right, and I don't really care. I find it very tedious to align properly, and it's close enough for me. Besides, your phone screen is small enough that it won't be as noticeable, and your thumbs cover most of the button anyway.

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