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13 Screenshots

About This File

This is the initial release of NoshOnThis theme. Right now the theme is specifically optimized for 16:9 resolutions but that will be improved soon.

Make sure to read the readme.txt in the theme root, there are a few fonts that need to be installed, Dense and Exo and for the moment the custom platform category banners need to be moved into your LaunchBox\Images folder but that was actually just fixed on the live stream I am on currently and should be released with beta.

This theme is packaged with a custom pack of platform banners, there are currently 63 of them. I will continue to create them and I am more than happy to take requests. I will also be releasing the banner pack separately as well. Make sure to clear your coverflow and platform wheel image cache or the custom banners will probably not show up for you.

There is an easter egg included with the theme that will show up randomly 1-30 minutes when sitting on a platform or game view. You may need to increase your Attract Mode delay time in order to see it.


What's New in Version 1.0.3   See changelog


Change Log:

- Added Sega Classics and Pinball platform category banners

- Moved some banners to playlists that were in platforms. Some people add systems like Sega Model 2 as a platform instead of a playlist so in that case I have a copy of the banner in both folders.

- Added an opacity mask image on horizontal coverflow controls for platform views

- Another round of migrating styles to NoshOnThis.xaml

Added Banners:


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