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Posts posted by GzStation


    Thanks @CriticalCid and @faeran for the info!

    My point is that when i did the update and looked at my Wii list. Some where already set with Manage Game Controller. I know I can change them myself.  I would like to have them all set to the same setting for all my games and be able to share them with the database. Thanks for your help.

  2. Thank you very much for the link! This is a part of what i am looking for... The new fonction of Manage Game Controller didn't seams to take ther information from there cause there are no information in the database about that from this link. Do you have any other clue ? Thank you very much for your time!

  3. Hi!

    Is there a way to acess the MetaData and update it to correct some information... Like Exemple the new fonction of Manage Game Controller... I have done my own list of Wii Zapper compatible game ( The little gun icone at the back of the box ) I have 26 and the database got 14. I would like to give a hand for all the Wii stuff i done to get the comunity up and running with all the good information. Maybe if the MetaData grab ther information on another website i could make the change there ?  If some one can give me a clue about it. Thank you!

  4. Hi!

    I got an issue with the importation of the Steam Games with LB Next.

    At first, I've done all things requiered and imported all the games. Everything was there but... I wanted to have the category Cooperative. So i started LB Next and selecting my game and do Ctrl + e to open every  games that should have the Cooperative in the LaunchBox Games Database but it seams not to be in the metadata. ( what can i do to update the metadata with the right information so everybody will import it updated ? ) i wanted to add it at first in my own database but everytime i changed the Play Mode settings to add Cooperative the default Banner icon disappear. So now, i would like to update the LaunchBox Games Database.


    First question: Is there any way to get the steam database ( Narrow by number of players ) with Co-op ( https://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=Released_DESC&category3 )  , Local Co-op ( https://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=Released_DESC&category3=39&category2=9 ) and Shared/SplitScreen ( https://store.steampowered.com/search/?sort_by=Released_DESC&category3=24&category2=9 )   with those information and update the  LaunchBox Games Database?

    Second Question: Why do the banner dissapear when i change the  Play Mode settings.


    If i can bypass Steam to use LB... I'll be the happiest man on earth!


     Thank you very much!

  5. Hi!


    I got an issue with the importation of the Steam Games.

    At first, I've done all things requiered and imported all the games. Everything was there but... I wanted to have the category Coop. So i started LB Next and selecting my game and do Ctrl + e to open every coop games i wanted to add and everytime i changed the Play Mode settings to add Cooperative the default Banner icon disappear.


    First question: Why does the import don't get all those information ( Cooperative that ia available on Steam )


    Second Question: Why do the banner dissapear when i change the  Play Mode settings.


    Is there any way to send more money to your community... You are so aware to our request and responsive... I want to tank you so much... And if i can bypass Steam to have a better interface... I want to give you more money to kick there Steamy ass... Thank you very much!


    Maybe i should post it in another place...?

  6. Hi!

    The alternative for mac is https://openemu.org/

    It's not as sofisticated as LaunchBox but it do a really good job.!




    P.S.: By the way... I've got many Mac and Pc... now, for all my emulator gaming library and Steam to stream my games. I use a PC Full tower to have enough room to stuck my HD and change my video card when a new one is available to make my VR flight sim gear work better (X-Plane 11 with a real simulator gear ) I use my Mac as Steam client to make the bridge from the PC to my Mac to play.

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