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Everything posted by Eksdad

  1. I am trying to create a new playlist in Big Box while using the controller. The virtual keyboard pops up but I can't seem to interact with it. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
  2. Thank you Zoratsu and everyone that helped!
  3. Me too. If I change the image labeled as "Steam Poster" to "Box Front", it is deleted.
  4. Thank you! You have truly earned the title Lordmonkus.
  5. I have a game that is run from an exe file. I would like to add it to Launchbox. It seems like I should be able to do this but I can't figure it out. The tutorial video on YouTube must be outdated because my Launchbox doesn't have the same menu options. I tried searching the forums but I am not finding the answer. Thanks in advance for your help.
  6. I have the same issue with 1 Screen Platformer not adding to LaunchBox. Other games that don't show up: Foreign Frugglers Frantic Dimension Kubble Offendron Warrior Slab Space Mayhem Space Smash Spacewar Infinity Spirits Abyss Steel Alcimus Steel Empire Sun Wukong VS Robot Super Bit Blaster XL They Came From The Sky Thunderflash You should add an option to manually add Steam games.
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