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Everything posted by 3dlollo

  1. I have the option to remove the roms when I delete an entry in launchbox. It works for all the systems where the roms are in the launchbox games folder; but it seems not working if the roms are on the desktop I have a folder with some FBA roms; that I wanted to check; I don't need to add them to my games folder, so I imported the roms and picked the option to leave the roms in the original location (on my desktop on windows) I deleted games, and I don't get the prompt that ask me if I want to delete the associated rom. It works with all the other sytem, so I guess the problem is in the roms being on the desktop?
  2. Yes, although one is the Japanese version and the other is the world version, right? FBA has 2 folders: one for PCE and one for TG16; so I assume they have different games for different region?
  3. I am having some problems with few FBA romsets; the roms names used are not the usual full name; so they have names like "aburner2", "acrush" and such. When scraping those files, launchbox can't find a match; so I end up with a ton of games that are not scraped correctly. Why is that? Isn't Launchbox using also the various xml and dat files from different emulators to find the correct names? These names looks like the mame names, although they are for PC engine (which does not even have an entry in Launchbox; I can see the turbografx-16 but not the Nec PC-Engine); so I can't scrape them as mame. Is my only option to change every game entry in launchbox? These are the names from the reference set so I assume they are correct.
  4. Hi, I am setting up an arcade machine, which would have a subset of my existing launchbox library. The problem is mostly with all its parts that need to live in specific locations; and that is affecting how launchbox operate on the machine inside my arcade cabinet. Fundamentally, I installed launchbox on my computer; it is on its own drive, and I added inside the launchbox folder, the various mame version I use (0202 for most of the games, 0139 for Android subset and 0184 for all the games that does not work on 0202), plus the extra emulators like retroarch, pcsx2, reicast and few others, that may not be working perfectly via retroarch. I have then imported all the games via the launchbox interface; so when asked if I want to copy the roms, I picked yes, so I have the Games folder inside the launchbox folder, which host the roms. so far so good. As last measure, I went in each of the platform (right click on the left platform bar and select "edit"), and removed the absolute path for artworks, music, videos and so on; the relative path is working fine and images/videos are displayed correctly. Then I moved the whole folder to the arcade machine and noticed that things were not working as expected. When running some platforms I would get an error, saying that launchbox cannot create a folder on the original path; which was strange to me since I removed from every platform the absolute path. But when I went to check the path; I noticed the issue: every field in the platform is set as relative path (so for example, for manuals I have Manuals\PLATFORMNAME, same for Images\PLATFORMNAME\Box -front and so on), and that works because I can see the images and videos on the arcade machine, but the games path is ALWAYS reset to the original path, which is pointing at my main machine external USB drive. I tried to change it various times, but every time I click OK and go back to edit the platform, the path is reset to absolute path. This is fundamentally forcing me to re-import ALL my platforms on the new machine; which will take a ton of time; especially because I have 4 different mame version, and for each of them I need to go into each platform and change by hand the path, so it will point to the arcade folder, so all the arcade data is in the same place and I keep 1 copy of the images, videos and so on. Is there a way to fix this issue with the absolute path? To me it sound like a bug; because the only field affected by this issue is the "game" field; every other field is working just fine and use either the absolute or relative path as you set it.
  5. Removing is a bit extreme Usually you have filters to show/hide things in viewers; you don't remove entry and then add them again back and forth.
  6. +1 I was looking at how Gog client does, and it has a simple filter mode; you pick each platform as you see fit; and it create a filter that hide everything else you don't select. Seems pretty straightforward to me. So if you want to see only specific platforms at times, you can do that.
  7. This is still happening with the current build of launchbox. I tried to move the movies on a different drive and when updating the metadata; got few GB of data downloaded again, because the app did not respect the videos location for the theme videos. Any chance to fix this? It is quite a troublesome bug to be honest, especially if you rely on launchbox to keep up with the metadata.
  8. Thanks; I assumed that there is always the fallback to the local folders, but it is not true actually. You still have to specify the path. BTW is there a plan for launchbox to add logging for such things? That would help
  9. I think I fixed it, thanks for pointing out the ini file! This is what is going on: if I run C:\0136\mame64.exe C:\0136\MYROM.zip it fail, but if I run C:\0136\mame64.exe -rompath 'C:\0136\roms' MYROM.ZIP then it works. So clearly it is a path issue; even if you pass the absolute path of a rom I solved this by copying the ini file from the folder inside the location where the exe file is, and just added `roms` in the rom path. This default to the rom folder where the exe is, so I can just have all the roms in the local folder, and that won't affect anything if I move the mame folder
  10. There is a mame64ui.ini file in the root folder (which is called mame039), where the mame64.exe is located, but I don't see one for the command line mame. There is one in the ini subfolder though.
  11. I am facing a weird issue; running mameui, works with zip files, but if I run mame.exe in launchbox, the game won't run I tried to run mame64.exe on its own and it runs fine; but if I open a zip file with it, I get an error message in console that say that the archive does not contain the right files. I checked the zip file and it contains all the files that mame64.exe say that they are missing. And yes, I used absolute paths and the console on windows is running with admin privileges. Why do I get this behavior from mame64.exe? I am running games with different versions of Mame, so I need different executables and can't use retroarch only; which is why I am stuck trying to figure out what is going on here.
  12. I see, I tried to create a platform for each mame version, I called them mame139 and mame184; but when I try to add an emulator, that platform does not exist in the grid to assign a default platform. Is this a bug?
  13. So I make a platform called mame139 and one called mame184, and create the equivalent emulator, that point to the 139 and 184 mame.exe and then parse each romset, so I get 2 different sets separated from each other?
  14. Hi all, I have consolidated my mame collection with ,184, and all show under arcade platform. Although I found a different set on one of my backup, which works with .139. Thsi set also match the android version of mame that run on my android device with retroarch. Now, since I have 2 different sets, and since I would like to keep both sets because there are different games that works on one version but not on another; how can I do taht in launchbox? After a search, found some videos that show how to add a new emulator, but I need those 2 sets to be separated; so if I create a new set, when I import the older 139 set, it will go on the Arcade scraper and eventually overwrite the files with the same name, messing up my 184 romset. Can someone please guide me through the process to get 2 different version of mame to work on 2 different version of the romset, without overwrite roms? Thanks!
  15. Can't wait to restore it and hook it up to my 720p monitor! There is so much dust that I had to clean it outside with air cans, before I could even put my hands in it
  16. I have to install windows on it, then LB and all the cores from RA; it will take me a while Does anyone have a similar machine, and can give me an idea about what is actually good for, as far as emulation? I may end up getting a 970 or 980 if I find it for cheap, but most of the emulators use the CPU, and being a pretty old one; I want to be sure that at least it can run my arcade cabinet for most of the games at 60 FPS. The only other machine I have, to compare is an old Lenovo x131e laptop with an i3 3227u and integrated intel; which I assume it is way below the Alienware X51. My only other machine is a modern gaming laptop, so I can't really make a comparison. In the worst case I donate it to the hardware recycle company in the area; those machines don't even sell on ebay, so it would not even be worth the hassle
  17. I did score an alienware x51 for free; it is still functional in the original case. The CPU is an i5 2400 with 8 GB of RAM and a GTX 650Ti I was thinking to either use it as is, or remove the motherboard from the case, and use it for an upright arcade build. Would that be useful at all with LB/BB and retroarch (planning to use it for games up to PS2 probably), or it is just too old to be useful? I am in the process of cleaning it, since it was in storage for few years; and considering that those machines are quite old, I was not even sure if it would be useful, compared to a newer i5 from few years ago and a GTX1030 probably; but I thought that since it is free, why not Thoughts?
  18. Awesome, thanks a lot! I did run a search but probably I didn't use the correct words.
  19. Not sure if this is contemplated as feature or usage, but if your collection in LB is set to drive D for example, and you have all the roms and emulators in the LB folder; if you move the folder to a different drive, like drive F, do you need to scrape ALL the roms again, or the paths are relative? I just got a larger HD that I want to use just for emulation, and since I have a ton of scraped games with extras and manuals, I wonder if moving the folder will also break all the rom location and force me to re-scrape everything.
  20. Thanks; in my case in mode 1 (so default for Mame), I would get multiple button pressed, when running games via LB in RA. I think I like the freedom to switch between Xinput and keyboard; once you get used to it; you let it be as is as long as it works, and if it does not, you can try using the keyboard mode. Maybe I have configured incorrectly the LB part; I have tried LB, BB and just RA on its own, and the hard part at this point is to get one single control scheme for all of them I am in a better place than where I was, so at least I am grateful that I am slowly understanding how things works!
  21. Thanks; I am so confused about why the A and B button are not marked as default by "enter" and "backspace", because when you first download and run RA, those are the defaults on the keyboard. So, I was able to make progress. I did wipe clean everything and started from RA as suggested; and discovered that my X-arcade is a tri-mode. This means that the first mode is keyboard for mame, the second is keyboard programmable, while the other 2 modes are for direct input and Xinput; which means that RA and windows, see the controller as either 2 generic controllers or 2 Xbox controllers. spent 3 hours trying the various combinations, and cursing at RA because even after assigning the controls, it would disable the X-arcade (no idea why; I had to delete the prefs file multiple times until I got it right). As it stand now; I am able to use the X-arcade for RA, in Xinput mode (so like if they were 2 Xbox controllers) but no luck using it in launchbox, unless I use it in mode "keyboard"; but then it won't work in RA. I did wipe all the modifier commands in RA; so no conflicts there. The only issue is how to quit RA, since there are not enough buttons , but I solved by using select+start and then closing RA from there. I will hook up a simple microcontroller to the cabinet with 4 buttons that take care of RA menu, quit and probably volume up and down for the speakers. I didn't try yet with big box; that is my next step. As far as having both the Xbox wireless controller and the x-arcade, it works; except that when I have both connected, and I press start for P1, instead it start P2, so I guess it assign P1 to the Xbox controller, while the X-arcade get P2 (although I need to use the second set of controls on the X-arcade, which is bizarre but I don't care at this point, it works and I am happy ). This has been quite a ride for me; I never thought that going through 3 different apps (Launchbox/bigbox - retroarch and mame/other emulator), would be so complex, as far as setting up controls. But now at least I have a way to switch controls without have to pull out the keyboard every single time, from the cabinet. Thanks a lot for your suggestions! If I could ask for a magic wand, probably I would use it to set EVERYTHING in Launchbox/Big box, and have the frontend to deal with the RA and single emulator scheme for controls. I didn' even try yet with mame games, since it goes through Retroarch; but I assume that for mame stand alone, the x-arcade will just work out of the box, once I move the selector to the first position.
  22. For example the confirm and back buttons are not exposed. I was not able to configure them, because in the settings there is nothing that say "confirm" or "back". I see those in BigBox, and they work there, but in retroarch I am forced to use the keyboard, because the same buttons used in BB does not work in RA. I am just doing as you suggested; I don't have much saved in RA since I do everything via LB; I just need to download the cores probably (and the shaders at most); and see if that fix the issue. I can't figure out which version my RA is; so maybe it is an old build. So in your case they just work; without the need to re-configure; I guess I have to start from scratch then, and set up one piece at time. I am trying now with clean RA only, without even use LB. I want to configure the Xbox wireless controller and the x-arcade; then I want to launch LB and configure the controls there, and see if that works. So far, I did configure LB after years using the xbox wireless gamepad; so that may be the issue. Thanks for the hints!
  23. I sometimes get a message that say that all the related game/rom info will be deleted; when I delete a game from Launchbox, and I also delete the ROM; but some files still persist in the Launchbox folder. For example videos, or snapshots; which are not removed when the actual rom is removed. Some does get deleted, while other does not. I am not sure if this is a bug or if it is expected. It is not a big deal but having various GB of data related to games you do not have anymore, takes space Is there a function in Launchbox (or plans for one), that parse the existing games and wipe what is in the extra folders (music, videos, snapshots, manuals and such), that is not associated with an existing game? A sort of purge that you may see often done on databases or other relation-based computer tools. Thanks!
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