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Everything posted by 3dlollo

  1. I have the TOSEC FM towns collection; and from what I understand, there is no core for retroarch. I found the marty, as scraper, which is the toned down version of the FMT from my understanding. Is there anyone that was successful with the FMT integration in launchbox? I am probably just going for floppy for now; since from what I read, to use CD you need daemontools and an emulator called UNZ, which seems pretty hard to configure. Thanks!
  2. Got it, so there is no real usefulness in getting a newer version, if I have older ROM. Thanks!
  3. BTW on the mame site they are up to 0.207; should I also grab the latest MAME or should I use an older one? Probably I should go for a version that match retropie for example; in case I want to make a case using the RPI? I assume that as long as the mame version match; it should not matter if it is running on windows via Launchbox or on the PI.
  4. Oh, I see! So the single rom contains all it needs to run on its own. I think I have a split romset because games like 1941 for example; have 2-3 zip files, and they are all required to run the game, even if I don't care about the clone or the different regions (I play mostly USA region, unless there is no USA region, in which case I get the EU variant). If I can find a torrent, with the latest non-merged, I can select only the games I own and get those; that should save me the hassle to get the whole 110 GB (and any legal issue if the tracker is tracked). Thanks for the hint!
  5. I see; so without knowing the version; the only thing I can do is to try to load it in launchbox; and see if it works. I can keep what works and dump the rest; and then try to hunt down only the roms I need . Sounds like a lot of work, but once I am done, I can just make a backup and keep that mame+roms combo and there won't be need for me to make any changes. To be honest I don't care to get ALL the arcade games; I just own like less than 100 jamma boards; which I collected in the past 20 years; and those are the only games I really care to play after all
  6. Thanks for the clarification. So fundamentally, it is a waste of time to use both MAME and FBA because the latter has the same ROMS that MAME handle. This is, assuming that the versioning is correct, of course. I have no idea which romset I own; one is from 2009 and it is pretty old; the newer one was from the Android version of Mame; which was on the nvidia shield I bought (it came with the software on it already); so that add complexity for sure. I am just tempted to start clean with the latest mame romset; but due to constrains on my internet connection, and issues from the legal perspective, I may not be able to do so (I am using only the roms for the games I actually own; for practical reasons my original games and jamma boards are in storage; and it is much more convenient to have 1 computer running all the roms in my upright arcade). Is there an easy way to know what romset each rom belong to? I can read the version for Mame, but roms does not have any file in it that show the version; so I am totally clueless about which romset each rom belong to.
  7. I am trying to wrap my head around what is the best platform for arcade. I am building an upright arcade; so I want to have just one Arcade platform. As now, I have mame 0.9 I believe, with its related romset; although many games I like do not work. So I did get an older romset; that I had on my ancient hd (it is like from 2009 or so); and some games I want, works there. Then there is FBAlpha, which support yet another romset; with more games I would like on my cabinet arcade. Is there a simple way to get a single arcade setting as platform, so I can put all the games I like, without the need to have 2 different MAME applications and FBAlpha on top of that? Thanks!
  8. I see, thanks for the clarification. My understanding was that only the missing roms would be added and copied, but instead it just ended up mixing up things; I will start with a clean canvas and make a mame and a FBA import so they will be divided
  9. So one import per emulator/platform? I thought that since the roms for FBA and Mame are often the same (and they work on the same mame version , I tried in 2 different launchbox install, one for each set), I can import them in the same platform. This case is unique to Arcade; since for NES, SNES, Genesis and so on, there are not multiple rom sets and variants (at least I never found different sets for these platforms).
  10. Thanks, so it is as I thought. Regarding #3 I see many files imported on top of the original game. The most evident example is with PC engine games, where I end up with a game file, and a .sound file; but when importing, I see 2 entry for that game. One has the thumbnail, the other a blank thumbnail. I was assuming that the app would filter them out but it seems that it is just importing them, thinking that they are actual roms. Not a big deal since I remove them manually, although every time I scan a folder again, they are added once again.
  11. While trying to figure out how to merge and have different rom sets for my different platforms (Vita, RPI, Android and Windows), I did find a peculiar issue, which looks like a bug. Basically if you have roms in Arcade for example, and try to import a different set (say a set for mame is already on your launchbox arcade category, and try to add arcade roms from FB alpha); even if you choose to copy the roms in the launchbox folder, they are not copied. I ended up with duplicate games; which was expected; if the name of the zip file match, the app does not overwrite, so there will be one copy of the game on location X and the other stay in my launchbox/games/arcade folder. So far so good. Although there seems to be a weird issue that happen when you delete a rom. If I have 2 copy of Strider for example, one on drive D and one in C, in the launchbox game folder, if I delete one rom file, the other won't launch anymore. I did launch both roms, they were both working; but once I delete the one in the D drive, so I can keep the one I have in my launchbox game folder, the game won't launch anymore. Tried 3 times with 3 different games, and the result was the same. 1) have 2 sets of roms, with the same name; one is already in your games folder, the other is not 2) import the second set of roms; put them into arcade as the first set, and select to copy the files in the games folder. 3) Launchbox will show duplicate games, if you look at the info, the rom name will be the same but the copy of the game will point at the rom in the original location from which you did import it. That makes sense since you do not get the old rom overwritten. 4) launch each rom; they should both work. 5) pick either rom and delete it; at the prompt delete also the actual rom file, and at the second prompt, delete the related files too. 6) try to run the rom again, it won't launch. Not sure if the step of deleting the rom and the related files is affecting launchbox; but I would expect that it should not. I also did not try to delete the roms and import them; which may or may not work. For sure, if the rom is deleted it is gone for good; so I can't reproduce this, unless I make a backup copy of the roms before the attempt. Is this a bug? I am aware that launchbox is not designed to be used as I do; but I would expect that changes to a rom in a different folder, would not affect the original rom in the games folder, which does not seem to be the case. Thanks
  12. Not sure if I should post in the support area, send out a mail or the questions are not worth the time; either way I had time to experiment. Since I bought a license for this product; I tried different approach to get it to work; although the only usage I found is as replacement for my RPI in my arcade case. I think this is the main usage, since it doesn't seem to be possible to hold different sets of roms for a platform; unless you create instances of the library. I thought this could be my one stop app to keep track of roms and such; but I was wrong. Not a problem, since the license was cheap enough, and I was planning to put a windows machine in my arcade cabinet anyway, so the extra big box features come in handy for that. Found an interesting bug while trying to make different roms to co-exist ; which I will report in the appropriate area. Thanks
  13. Hi, I have multiple rom set for different console, and in some cases, multiple sets of the same type (like mame, since I have emulators running on android devices, windows and ps vita). I did merge few sets, which ended up in having duplicate games for Arcade (using mame as emulator in Launchbox); and would like to clean up. 1) Can I have different sets of roms for the same category? So I can have Mame Win, Mame Vita, Mame android? 2) Can I display both the game name AND the file name in the UI? I can get this info only if I go to the edit page and see the actual rom/zip file. 3) is there a way to hide the extra game files, like the .sound files that comes with PC Engine games? Thanks!
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