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Everything posted by tchappellius

  1. Thank you for taking the time to reply Neil. I tried your advice and couldnt see an XML file however I realised that I had actually been updating the names of the files on my external HD rather than the ones in my Launchbox folder 🙈 Twas my own stupidity!
  2. I am currently in the process of attempting to import my PSP collection and have followed the below process: 1. Import ROMs into Launchbox as they are (eg. 'Persona.3.Portable.EUR.BAHAMUT.BLAHBLAHBLAH') 2. Fix names to get metadata link in Launchbox 3. Rename ROM file with 'Launchbox' name (eg. Shin Megami Tensai: Persona 3 Portable) 4. Delete PSP collection on Launchbox 5. Reimport PSP collection with renamed ROMs The issue i am having is that when reimporting Launchbox seems to be remembering the original filenames for the ROMs and i can't figure out how to get it to read the new filenames. Any help would be greatly appeciated
  3. I am trying to configure my PS1 collection on Launchbox but I have a mix of NTSC & PAL roms. I am hoping to configure LB so that it will launch games in ePSXe with the region appropriate BIOS rom. I have tried using the "-bios <file>" command in LB but it did not have the desired outcome. Please can anybody help?
  4. Thank you Zombeaver. I made an account for the forums to ask this question and have now realized i needed to be logged in to download it!
  5. I thought the launcher was now obsolete but I would still need a way to export the configs to load into Launchbox? How have others circumvented this issue? I apologise if I have missed something very obvious. I'm not the most technical person!!
  6. Could somebody kindly re-upload the FS-UAE Exporter please?
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