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  1. I see .. thank you, good to know its being worked on.
  2. @dbb1480 Yes I also seen this.. in launchbox each game says "no achievements available" when i know fine right they do.. and if i launch them in retroarch the achievements are there, no problem. Everything logged in properly and settings are correct in launchbox for retroachievemnts with username password and API etc.. in Big box if I click on "view achievements" from the individual games menu, it then says "unable to retrieve achievements" or something similar. Not sure if its specifically since 13.2 but it used to work fine and now it doesn't.
  3. Yes I don't like Demul at all either.. nothing but issues so far. I have the stable release of Redream so maybe ill try a dev build. Thanks for the help, bud.
  4. I appear to have finally addressed he "unable to find mpr-xxxxx" issue with Demul, anyways at least. To anyone finding this thread with similar issue its not actually a file named "mpr-xxxxxxx" that u are looking for, it is just that the emulator reads the bios file as this. You are probably looking for something like 1_01d_01.bin or similar (found inside dc.zip, usually).... in demul drop down menu -config, dreamcast bios.. u can see numbers at the end of each bios..each of those (1_01d_01.bin or similar) files represent the different bios and this is what ur looking for. When they are missing demul states u are missing "mpr-xxx" I dont know why it names it that way, but there u go.. So, new issue for me.. game is starting up now in Demul with an unfamiliar splash screen due to the bios I have that IS working.. would prefer my PAL/UK start up screen but no big deal, thats not the issue.. the issue is there is a god awful black flickering.. sometimes just on the borders, sometimes across the whole screen .. making it unbearable to play.
  5. @headrush69 I don't mean to start a whole other thing but I've had a miserable time trying to set up demul... constant errors looking for files that I cannot find anywhere with google (mpr-xxxxxxxx files). I gave up on Demul a long time ago.. I've been trying again today but now remembering why I gave up. Redream says WinCE not supported over the top of Jimmy White 2 as well as all other Win CE games.
  6. @Headrush69 Thanks a lot for your reply. The issue, for me anyway, is just with Retroarch. However, I never knew that particular way to check the bios, so iI really appreciate that ... I think it will come in useful for some other issues i have (like getting naomi and atomiswave working. ) As it happens, I DO have the correct bios for dreamcast.. just missing some of the optional ones(game specific ones like HoTD).. but that shouldn't matter for this game as their doesnt seem to be a game spcific file for the game im having issues with. The game in question is Jimmy Whites 2.. a WinCE game so I need to use flycast. I've seen some guides that advocate putting the bios in a specific dreamcast folder (i have it in "retroarch/system/" AS WELL AS "retroarch/system/DC/"). My understanding is it shouldn't make a difference as retroarch scans subfolders, but anyways I covered both bases. I saw another guide that advocated renaming dc_boot.bin as boot.bin , so i made a copy and renamed it, so now I have both (in both of said folders).. very much all bases covered! The interesting thing is that before I renamed a copy as "boot.bin" i was getting the message when I launch the game about "this game needing a real bios".. now, I don't get the msg but the game freezes on the sega/win CE screen. As someone who seems to know their stuff, im hoping this information might shine a light on any issue with my set up.
  7. ok so I think i've figuerd out one problem.. also your problem. I tested one game by putting it back into .gdi + .bin format and had it in its own INDIVIDUAL folder (which was then inside my dreamcast roms folder, the folder i have set in redream as the library and where it should look for games. When in its own folder the game worked in .gdi. I then converted it into chd (to save space) using chdman...i removed all other files except for the new chd file but kept it in its own folder and it still worked. So, hopefully that it is your issue solved. For me, that is most of my problem solved but I still have this issue with a couple games that wont launch in flycast.. saying a "real dreamcast bios is needed for this game" (or something similar). I HAVE what i believe is the correct bios... it works for other games, like sega rally 2. Is there a specific alternate bios needed for a handful of games? Is it possiblei have the wrong bios but it still works for some games? Any help greatly appreciated. One specific game that is facing this issue is jimmy Whites 2 - cueball Thanks
  8. im sorry to see you didnt get any replies on this.. Im also having big problems with this area. Maybe if I scour the internet and try things we can find a solution together for our problems! Most games im trying to run with redream, (the Win CE games im trying to launch with flycast core in Retroarch - on that note, Sega rally 2 runs fine in retroarch.. others dont open at all, one opened and said "this game requires a real dreamcast bios, even tho I HAVE the bios in the system folder of retroarch (DCboot.bin). Anyways my main issue is not just the wince games but in general now many games added to the folder (the same folder that is set for redream to look for roms) are not showing up in redream. Mostly i noticed this problem after adding some new games and converting my entire collection to .chd files to save space. The WEIRD thing is that the games that were already in my collection and working (in .gdi and some in cue/bin format, at the time) ARE still working in their chd format but many of the new games adding many of them aren't showing in redreams gui. Theoretically, when using launch box/big box, it should launch straight into the game without showing the redream gui, but as the game isn't working it launches redream instead and shows the library, where most of the many of the games I added are missing. Currently the new games I added are in chd format.. they went straight into the folder in that format. I just watched a video tutorial where a guy says the should each bein their own folder (even tho SOME games are showing up without being in their own individual folder) ..so, for the games that aren't working im gonna try that first. I will try them in their own folder as bin cue format and see if redream recognizes them, then i will try converting to chd again and see if they are still recognized. Will get back to you with any discoveries.
  9. Also bumping because I have same/similar issue (i didn't even launch the game but while scrolling through the games list, the video trailer of the game plays, with music, and when i moved on to a different game and started that game, the music from the trailer of the previous game was still playing..) It's odd that after 2 years it hasn't been addressed on here, and I totally agree that it makes big box useless if you have to back out to close it. Might as well manually launch the emulator/games. Please help, someone!
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