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Everything posted by stonecracker

  1. Hi All, I was having similar problems. My system was hanging on the confirmation window so I made one change to the popular script below I added a Send {Enter} to address the confirmation box that was popping up. My exists are now extremely clean. My script below. $Esc:: { Process, Close, {{{StartupEXE}}} Send {Enter} } Hope this is helpful to others Stone
  2. Thanks for the advice! I made the trip to Microcenter tonight and the build begins. Spending more than I should but looking forward to watching this thing grow and evolve.
  3. Hi Everyone Planning a strong emulator build with 2 1TB drives on the PC. One M.2 format and another a standard ssd. I will be purchasing Big Box. Plan will be to boot and have applications on the M2 SSD. I have watched a number of videos and read many posts. I cant figure out if there is a best practice for planning and utilizing storage. I dont want to be sorry later with the decisions I make on where I have placed emulators and roms. I have found videos where they have been placed under the Launchbox game folders and other where they are stored on a separate drive. I want to take advantage of all of the great features in the platform including bringing in all art and media for the games. Without understanding the space required to take advantage of the rich features, I am looking for some recommendations from our more experienced community members. I am trying to get organized so I dont have to start moving things around half way through the build due to a lack of planning on my part. So... What advice and recommendations would members of the community have for me on how best to organize my storage? Where should I load all great fun I have been downloading in preparation for my build. and... if storage recommendation and best practices are out here, I apologize. I did look and didnt find anything when I searched. Thanks for your time and consideration. Stone
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