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Everything posted by vitorusp

  1. Launchbox is not a rom manager for now, but has all habilities to. Perhaps in the future. But ok, I just intended to make a sugest. Sorry about that...
  2. We need better tools to manage our roms: like duplicate file finder with automatic selection and delete option, and others tools for files.
  3. ok, I'll try Thanks!😁👍
  4. hummmm interesting I try to find duplicates with other programs (like anti-twin). But, all my files is compacted and antitwin doesn't recognize duplicate roms inside them
  5. But How to remove then automatically ?
  6. Hi guys! I'm thinking I'm stupidy, but I REALLY don´t know how to work the remove option (Just for Only Duplicate Roms). I want to Launchbox delete AUTOMATICALLY all duplicates roms BUT leave at least one of then. In the picture bellow, it shows that I have duplicates (for example) of 32 in 1 game. But, I don´t know what files is the duplicates. And when I delete this item, all 32 in 1 game is delete.
  7. I Have the same problem here. Did you know how to fix iT?
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