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Everything posted by ksherfinski

  1. sorry! I should have checked my original post. Thanks for the info.
  2. I can't seem to figure out if it's possible to use the Community Theme Creator to create/modify Startup themes. Is there any GUI tool to work with the images in a Startup Theme or do you have to reverse engineer the xaml files?
  3. My bad. I didn't realize someone built a Theme Creation tool. I assume I could modify startup/shutdown/pause screens using that instead of dorking with xaml files directly.
  4. I'm looking to modify my emulator/game startup screen (game startup in cases where the game is launched from a .bat file). I have a bunch of fade screen from a RocketLauncher config that I'd like to duplicate in LB/BB. The goal is to add a graphic of the controller that is necessary for a platform/game, in the cases where the cab panel isn't used...such as DreamCast/Nintendo 64/ColecoVision (I'm using a BlissBox to support legacy controllers, and DualShock4 & Xbox for more modern stuff). Anyway, I can't find any info on this and I'm sure it's a pretty common thing, since every BB Theme seems to customize these screens. Can someone point me in the right direction with a link? Am I missing something super obvious that should be self explanatory? Thanks in advance.
  5. awesome! thanks!
  6. Does anyone have any tutorials or info on how to implement a platform bezel when using stand alone pcsx2 and duckstation? I am moving a bunch of stuff from RocketLauncher to Launchbox, where the bezels are handled in (I believe) AHK scripts. I already have the .png file, just don't know how to insert it. Any ideas/gotchas would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
  7. what are the use cases for "Running Script" vs "Exit Script" in Manage Emulators>Details? I was trying to send "ALT-F4" to close the emulator by dropping it in the "Exit Script" field. It seems as though that field is used to run an AHK script after the emulator process has exited, since dropping the same script in the "Running Script" field worked as expected. Is there any documentation on any of this?
  8. Weird. I created the startup folder and dropped the videos in there, but they are interrupted/truncated after by BB startup. Are there other dependencies for this functionality?
  9. I’m running LB/BB 12.0 and can’t find the setting to delay the launching of bigbox, for longish startup videos. It used to be in the options menu. Can this be set in an xml or I I file?
  10. Are there any plans to include an interface that would allow you to add a U360 (UltraStik 360 allows on the fly configuration) configuration into a game configuration...similar to the way you can add RetroArch core parameters? Has anyone come up with a more elegant solution than calling a batch file with the needed emulator and U360 commands/params?
  11. I'm running BB 11.17 on Windows 10, via an arcade cab setup. I have typical arcade controllers setup: trackball, spinner, multiple analog sticks, keyboard controller, lightgun, etc. Specifically i'm using: 1 Ultimarc Ultimate I/O where my spinner (SpinTrak) and trackball (Utrack) are connected to the kb interface board. 2 UltraStiks connected to PC usb ports 1 Sinden Lightgun When I enable controllers in BB, the menu starts to automatically scroll. The only way to stop the scrolling is to press the ESC key. However, any arrow key or controller movement starts the infinite scrolling again. This doesn't happen on LB (same machine), or any other apps on the same PC (controllers enabled in LB as well) I've been running LB/BB since about version 8 and have not seen this issue in the past. None of my analog controls (spinner, trackball, 2 joysticks) are "stuck", since there is no drift detected with any other applications or when i'm at the Windows desktop. Does anyone know what could be causing this and if there's a workaround?
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