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Everything posted by Agrajag

  1. So enjoying LB enough that I just bought the Premium version and plan to give BigBox a shot. The main use is with MAME (without RetroArch) and I would love to be able to use it from my couch with the need to a keyboard. Is there a way to quit a game and get back to the interface just using the controller (in this case a MayFlash F500)? I tried using a script to ESC out, but that's no good with MAME as then you're just sort of crashing out of the game and no settings will then stick -- for example changing key bindings. I'd like to just perhaps be able to hold say, the Home button (on this controller) and have it bail back to the UI.
  2. I do know it works (or did work) as I used to play it all the time about a decade ago when I last was into MAME, including with sounds and an overlay.
  3. Sorry to post this. I did a search, but the first few I read were a bit more involved than my simple noob situation so I thought I'd ask this as a stepping stone to better understanding of LaunchBox (which so far seems to be one hell of a product). I just set up LaunchBox yesterday and really am only interested in using it mainly for MAME and then, mainly for only about 20-30 games from my youth (mid-50s). As such I have a very limited ROM set. I started by letting LaunchBox import the "full MAME catalog" which may not have been the best choice, but it gives me a great idea of what's going on. Anyway, one of the ROMs I have is for the old game Star Castle. The ROM is starcas.zip. The game doesn't appear in my list. I've tried scanning the folder a couple of times with no luck. What am I not understanding? Thanks again for any assistance and sorry for any redundancy in my question.
  4. Just found this and new to all this. Is there simple way to turn the glow down? I find it a bit too intense as is.
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