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16-Bit Artificial Intelligence

16-Bit Artificial Intelligence (4/7)



  1. Hi, I have an issue with BB when I launch game (just some of them) like Killer Instinct, DB Fighterz and more, The game start but BB back on foreward. Is there a fix for this ? Thx
  2. It works great Thx
  3. If I launch directly the AHK on windows, it works
  4. Hi, I need your help with my pcsx2 games. When I launch it by Launchbox with a AHK script, I have this error If I launch directly Iso file without use an AHk, the game launch correctly, I tried with Bin and Cue and it doesn't work This is my AHK script #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. #SingleInstance Force Process,Close,Lightgun.exe Run,taskkill /im "Lightgun.exe" /F sleep,2000 Run, D:\LaunchBox\Sinden\Sinden Wii\Lightgun.exe, ,Min sleep, 2000 Run, D:\LaunchBox\Emulateurs\PCSX2 Nightly Shooter\pcsx2-qt.exe "E:\Games\PCSX2\Crisis Zone.iso", D:\LaunchBox\Emulateurs\PCSX2 Nightly Shooter Sleep 5000 Esc:: Process, Close, pcsx2-qt.ex Run,taskkill /im "pcsx2.exe-qt" /F ExitApp If I launch my game directly on PCSX2, it works fine Thx for your help
  5. atalec

    Videos marquee

    Thx a lot 😉
  6. atalec

    Videos marquee

    Hi, I'm searching for video marquee for platform and games. Do you know where could I find it ? Thx
  7. Hi, I share to you, 3 wheels of mugen games I created for my box, if someone need it 😉 Hyper DBZ Capcom vs SNK 2 Evolution Kore Saint Seiya Ultimate Cosmo
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  8. Hi, I want to add namco 357 games using Rcps3-gun, but I can't create only one emulator for all games because each game use his own rcps3-gun emulator setup. If someone can explain how to add that properly in my launchbox. Thx
  9. After testing, this happen with Point Blank 1 not with point blank 2 or 3
  10. Hi, I have an issue with MAME (no in LB or BB), when I launch MAME it appears on my screen 2 but when I launch a game it appears in 2 screens (mirror) Where can I solve it ? is there an option ? Thx
  11. Hi, If someone is interested, I put it here
  12. atalec

    Cxbx + sinden

    Bonjour à tous, Je cherche à configurer sinden lightgun avec cxbx. Est ce qqun connaîtrait un tuto ? Pour l'inclure dans launchbox je suppose qu'il fait utiliser un script ahk ou bat je suppose pour utiliser demulshooter. Merci les amis.
  13. Hi friends, I need your help one more time. I'm trying to setup my dreamcast rail shooter on demul with sinden lightgun. Someone know how to do that ? I think to use demulshooter with a bat file but what are the parameters? Help please 😇 Thx
  14. Yes it works thanks a lot
  15. Hi, Sorry to respawn this old message but I want to do that too and it doesn't work with an ahk script How did you do to make an exe ? Please
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