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  1. Hmmm I'm seeing something kind of odd - I have MAME configured and working fine standalone, but through Launchbox it's not finding anything. After some playing around I found that the ROMs folder setting in MAME is being reset to default every time I launch Launchbox. Any idea why that might be happening? Edit - This isn't a Launchbox problem, it's a problem with MAME. Grr, guess I should play around with this when I'm not working. Edit 2 - Good lord I'm dumb, IT Medullah of 10 years ago would be ashamed, directories were read only for whatever reason. shame.gif
  2. Yep I'm good there, thanks!
  3. Yeah I had MAME installed and it found the roms running on it's own, I just ran out of time to troubleshoot it. Or do you mean the INI in Launchbox, not MAME?
  4. Yeah I wanted to try the full set import and have it remove all the casino and non working games, because last time I just did a regular import and hoooo boy was there a lot of junk. I figured out my issue though, there was another nested folder and it doesn't search subdirectories. I did the reimport and it seems to have worked from Launchbox's perspective, but games aren't launching. I can figure that out though, probably just some path changes I need to validate. Thanks for the help.
  5. Thanks for the advice, I'm ready to re-import at this point but I figured I'd ask you instead of starting a new topic - what is the proper file folder format for the "import full set" of MAME roms? I have my structure as - <Drive>:\ROMS\MAME ROMS and then two subdirectories for the ROMs and CHDs. When I go to do the full import it says "There is not a complete set here". Do the CHDs and ROMs need to be in the same directory overall?
  6. Hey all - I built my cabinet a few years ago and have decided I want to do some ROM curation on MAME after noticing there's 700 versions of a video poker game. I figure the first thing I want to do is just delete the romset and emulator and start from scratch with an up to date MAME version and romset. Is it as simple as removing MAME from Launchbox? What's the best way to clear it and then do a fresh import? Is it possible to delete the games from Launchbox but keep all the downloaded media so it doesn't have to download again? EDIT - And also keep any custom controller configurations I've set up.
  7. Thanks, this is the best route for me since my PS2 games weren't customized at all. Arcade would be a bit different.
  8. Hey all - I decided since I had a giant hard drive I would extract all the ISOs for my Playstation 2 games from ZIP so it didn't have to unpack every time. It worked pretty great, except now when I go to play a game it says "game not found". I was going to delete the PS2 platform and reimport, but it warns me that will delete games as well. If I scan for new games, it doesn't find any because Launchbox sees all the games as existing. Is there any way to just clear the PS2 game list and then import again, without deleting metadata?
  9. Mother effer that was it. Sorry to have wasted your time man, I could have sworn I checked that. At least I didn't disassemble my entire cabinet to rewire the joystics hahahaah (looks around nervously as he grabs a screwdriver)
  10. Hmmm I thought I turned it off in options, but boy would I feel stupid if I didn't. Sheesh. Is it normally lightning fast?
  11. Hey all - I'm 99.99% set up with Big Box and I love it! However, I'm having an issue when the system is idle (in this case on my default playlist, in the list of games). Without fail, after sitting idle for a minute or two, the system will start scrolling rapidly through the list of games as if the joystick were held down. I thought it might be a bad joystick, so I disconnected them, and it still happened. I then thought maybe a keyboard key was stuck, so I disconnected it and the mouse. The scrolling is still happening. Any ideas?
  12. Awesome I'll giver her a shot. Thanks!
  13. Does that work for holding a button? I'm using custom sticks with a zero delay encoder which windows recognizes natively but of course is a nightmare to get to work with Steam and things.
  14. Hey all - I appreciate all the help you guys have given me. I have my cabinet put together and Launchbox is working 99% (still issues with controllers in Steam games but I know what to do there, just need to spend some time on it). I have a Windows machine set up with Launchbox and am having trouble figuring out a good way to exit Demul/Naomi without using the keyboard. I have two six button joysticks with a Start button for both P1 and P2 as well as coin buttons for both P1 and P2 added. I was thinking it would be nice to have a script like "If P1 and P2 start are held for 10 seconds, it exits the emulator" but am scratching my head on the best way to make that script. Any advice? Alternatives to AHK are welcome.
  15. Gonna bug you again because damn you've been helpful. I reimported everything as expected here, is there a way to set which version is the "default" when launched? So people can just click "TMNT" and get the 2 player version? Edit - Answered my own question looking at your screenshot. Me dumb.
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