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  1. My subscription is outdated and I also wanted to buy a lifetime license but that with the credit/debit cards in Germany got worse. Previously I bought Launchbox buy getting a single-use debit card. Now I searched for 2 weeks but wasn't able to find any reasonable debit cards. I dont want to open another bank account or make a contract just to buy Launchbox. All the previously usable debit cards (0 to 14$ costs ontop of the actual amount you want to pay) aren't available anymore. Please offer a way to somehow pay licenses without a credit/debit card.
  2. I think I now found out whats wrong. My old MAME platform was called "Arcade" and was child of the Category "Arcades". After I deleted the old MAME platform and all playlists I only got a empty "Arcades" category. Then I imported the new MAME set as platform named "Arcade". And this created something like this: Arcades --> Arcade ----> 2-Player Games ----> 4- Player Games ... ----> Arcade ... But this "Arcade" is just a category too and not a real platform. The real platform "Arcade" was hidden inside the category "Arcade" between all the autogenerated playlists. If I right click on that real platform there is a "automatically create subcategories" available. But strange that there is a "Arcade" category where the "Arcade" platform should be instead. I didn't created that category by myself. But if I move every playlist from the "Arcade" category to the "Arcade" platform everything should be fine again.
  3. Hi, Right now I'm using Launchbox version 11.2 because without a credit card there is no way to renew my license. In the past I imported a full MAME 217 set and used that "automatically create subcategories" feature to create genre, players and region playlists. I now deleted my Arcade platform and created a new one and used "Import -> MAME arcade full set" to import my new MAME 228 set. But if I right click on the new Arcade platform there is no "automatically create subcategories" anymore. If I right click on other old platforms this feature still existis. Is there something I can do to use this feature for my new MAME set? I know that I can choose at "Import -> MAME arcade full set" to create some playlists but these are very limited and not as detailed as the one I got when using "automatically create subcategories".
  4. I've got the same problem with the "version" and "rompath" fields. I wanted to exclude games from a playlist with certain paths or ROM flags but there is no "has none of the values" or "doesn't contain" camparison operator for the "version" or "rom path" fields. I also coundn't find a valid wildcard character to use the "not equal to" as an alternative to the missing "doesn't contain" operator. I'm really missing a way to create more complex playlist filters. For example an simple "filter by regex pattern" comparison operator.
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