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Everything posted by WillyT

  1. Just realized I didn't post the resolution for this problem. Kondorito is correct, unchecked startup tab and problem solved.
  2. Sorry bout the double thread, I thought I was posting in a different area. The only time I have "the no picture problem" with both LB and BB is with the new update. Rolled back it works great. So that is where I'm playing. I apologize for being a dumb ass with this stuff but I am a that's that. I assure y'all I'm not attempting to be a thorn in your side, I'm just trying to learn this stuff and if you're impatient with helping a low common sense noob like myself, I understand. I appreciate the input thus far.
  3. Hi all, since the latest update none of my games from any platform will load a picture. The sound works and the games play and respond to my controller but the screen is blank. I rolled it back to an earlier version and all is working as it has before - great. When I updated again it reverted back to no picture. Has anyone else out there had this experience, now or any other time? I would appreciate a response if so. I can run this without updating but I would rather roll with the updates if possible.
  4. I just rolled it back to the previous update and it worked, installed the new update and no picture again. So I'll just not update from here on out.
  5. Will do, thanks.
  6. But anyway, thanks for the input. The first step was to see if anyone else was experiencing this glitch and it's now obvious I have a personal problem which I will figure out by myself.
  7. I'm using Retroarch, and the picture doesn't play regardless. All other features of the games run fine.
  8. I'm running Windows 7 and it did just update a couple days ago. The emulator works fine except for the picture. It has sound and the game responds to input from my controller - blank screen.
  9. Since the latest update the picture does not load for any of my games. I have sound and can hear the game playing, but the picture remains black.
  10. The beta did the job. Thanks for yourtime and effort!
  11. It worked for me as well. Thanks for your time and effort!
  12. Yes, thanks for all the effort. I use Windows 10 for business, but I loathe it. I also will hold out as long as possible. If I were to roll back to 10.1 which file do I need to run the installer over the top of?
  13. Controller:EASYSMX usb wired controller. OS: Windows 7. My controller works great in the games, just not at all iin the front-end.
  14. My 360 controller also doesn't work for the BigBox or the Launchbox stage - works as it did before in all of the games - just can't navigate the front-end. Any solutions so far?
  15. My USB 360 controller is not working since the update. It works with everything else relative to the PC. Any solutions to this? Can I reload the previous update?
  16. Ahh I understand. I love his work, that's why I bought it.
  17. I will clarify a bit - I don't believe one should get rid of Windows 10 if it's a typical family internet surfing unit. I have my Windows 10 computer so the wifey pooh can get on and buy her shoes, play BoobTube and do FacePlant. It's very secure for that kind of stuff and I will not deny that. Then I have my emulation comp which runs Windows 7, includes BigBox (which works great now that I loaded 7, got rid of rocketlauncher and set up my own personal build), my flight sim (which won't work well with 10), etc. and is almost never online. Then I have my ancient EQ/old PC game comp (yeah I still play that almost every night) and that is still sporting XP - just for old times sake. Now when did Windows stop supporting XP? I have had few problems through the years playing EQ online and zero which I couldn't take care of myself with the XP OS. I understand your concerns with my original simplistic statement, but as you can see, between the lines stuff fills a lot of space. I'm really not a Microsoft guy at heart and am, at this very moment, building my first Linux device. Why don't you guys see if you can get a launchbox version going for that!
  18. I repeat, Windows 10 is a POS - and that's that.
  19. Do yourself a favor and just can Windows 10. After I erased 10 and loaded Windows 7 haven't had a problem with anything related to emulation (BigBox), gaming and downloading in general. Windows 10 is for selling you stuff, like your phone, but for gaming and emulation creativity it's a POS. Windows 7 is the last good gamers choice besides, of course, Linux - but it's not proprietary with LaunchBox.
  20. I did that and hit OK and the change confirmation window popped up and I approved the change and it still freezes at launch. So then I deleted all the files for that rom, imported another one that corrupted 7zip and most of the files in my 64 folder. I'll just keep trying until I have learned everything about this ;}
  21. Perfect Dark is the only game I have in my Nintendo 64 file that freezes when loading through Retroarch. It is also the only file i have where the launch file reads: Games\Nintendo 64\Perfect Dark(USA)(Rev A)-1.n64 The -1 is where it's different from all of the other launch files for all of the other Nintendo 64 games i have, all of which work fantastically. Has anyone ever had this situation? I'm not sure if it's an issue, but i have heard from one obscure source that it is, and specifically relative to not launching. I don't know exactly what to do about it though.
  22. I found something interesting in the ROM files for Perfect Dark, N64. - the launch file is as such : Games\Nintendo 64\Perfect Dark\(USA) (Rev A)-1.n64 There are two files in the main game directory for Perfect Dark, one reads as the launch reads and the other doesn't have the -1. I remember viewing an obscure vid where this was addressed and for that person the -1 was a problem. I have checked all of the other files, launch entries and main folder for the other games in the 64 file and none of theme have the -1 in them - only Perfect Dark. Have you seen this issue before?
  23. I've viewed all of his tutorials, many more than once. I will review them again and see if this is addressed. I appreciate the fast and honest response. All just stepping stones, and perhaps I've reached that stone that suggests hopping in another direction. As an old instructor of mine once said, "sometimes the most difficult yet sensible thing to do is admit it's time to just start all over again."
  24. I understand. I was hoping someone out there could tell me something about it, figuring I'm not the only person with this build, as I have found zip on BubeTube, or generally Google, literally zip. I will consider dumping the whole thing and starting over. Thanks just the same.
  25. I have a pack (Launchbox No Intro) that utilizes Rocket Launcher as it's basic emulator, at least labeled as such in any Launchbox window of that nature through and to which I navigate. I haven't been able to figure out how to change a given core for a specific game, in this case Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark freezes when loading and I would like to switch cores to see if that may be a solution. Retroarch is the actual driving emulator but it works via Rocket Launcher which has Project 64 listed for Nintendo 64 games. When I go into Retroarch and view games recently played it lists the 64 games as using "Mupen64plus OpenGL" as a core. I haven't been able to find an avenue that even list cores in Launchbox relative to Rocket Launcher and no apparent way to address change from the list of cores in Retroarch (that I've been able to figure out thus far). If anyone has some knowledge they can bestow on me it would perhaps save me a few of the probable tens of hours (hopefully not hundreds-but I'll do it) ahead of me learning all about Rocket Lancher and how it is integrated with Launchbox, Retroarch, etc., and it would be greatly appreciated.
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