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Samisigsag's Achievements

1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Okay, thanks for your help.
  2. Hi, I really like the Option in Playnite or Launchbox Desktop version. And the sort system + the overview in the Desktop version. Many cool cover not like a slider. Just many on one page to choose. I play much in Big Box, because I want to control the menu and games with the controller. Is there a theme that's like the desktop version of it?
  3. Pretty good feature and worked! Perfect, and no login to the account required. But one thing is a con. Steam has a feature called: Profile Features Limited (or Learn about this game before)These games don't count to the Game counter and statistics. And so this Launcherbox system can't import these games in this list. I mean, many of these are trash, but some good, and manually is preeeeeeetty much work, because I missed 1000+ games with this feature in my library.
  4. Hey Mate, this is the best Theme that I saw. :3 Can you create more Systems? Or any chance for PSD files or items of it? Because I love to have all in same style.
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