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Posts posted by Grimlock

  1. Sorry, I should have clarified. I'm using a copy of the default theme. 

    I've primarily been messing with PlatformWheel1FiltersView.xaml, adjusting the grid sizing. Since that would only crop the image , I thought maybe it was more upstream. I've also tried ThumbnailListView.xaml and ThumbnailGameView.xaml, and still no dice. I've tried so many things I'm not sure what code I would post. Ultimately everything I try, just ends up cropping the image.


    Really appreciate the support.

  2. I've not be able to affect the scale of Thumbnail images (Favorite & Recent). Every property I manipulate results in cropping the image. I've been banging my head against the wall on this one for the past week. Not sure if its a bug, or I'm too much of a noob with xaml. I've scoured the forums and not been able to find a solution. 

    @Jason Carr is this something hard coded in the software?

    Any help would be super appreciated!!! 


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