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Everything posted by mondometal

  1. mondometal

    eXoDOS v4

    Ive done it manually: 1- You have to put the 7za.exe (c:\program files\7-zip\) inside the util folder in your exodos instalation. 2- Delete the file unzip.exe from the util folder. 3- Rename the 7za.exe to unzip.exe. 4- You'll have to manually edit each install.bat file inside the !dos folder inside your games folder. Example: 10000 Pyramide: @echo off set CONF=%CD% cd .. cd .. cd .. IF EXIST ".\Games\$100000P\" GOTO dele :unzip copy .\util\unzip.exe .\Games\unzip.exe cd Games unzip "$100,000 Pyramid (1988).zip" Will become: @echo off set CONF=%CD% cd .. cd .. cd .. IF EXIST ".\Games\$100000P\" GOTO dele :unzip copy .\util\unzip.exe .\Games\unzip.exe cd Games unzip x "$100,000 Pyramid (1988).7z" 5- Create a batch file: Open a new txt file from notepad ; Paste this command lines to the txt: :: Q:\Test\2018\10\11\SU_1365974.cmd @Echo off Set z7="C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" Set "z7o=a -y -r -t7z -m0=lzma2 -mx=9 -mfb=128 -md=512m " for %%F in (*.rar *.zip) do ( %z7% x -y -o"%%F_tmp" "%%F" * pushd %%F_tmp %z7% %z7o% ..\"%%~nF".7z * ||(pause) popd rmdir /s /q "%%F_tmp" del "%%F" ) and save it as zipto7z.bat 6 - Put the zipto7z.bat inside your exodos games folder. 7 - Run the batch. It takes about 48 hours to convert.
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