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Everything posted by Biz101782

  1. Hey, I have launchbox on 2 other PCs, been using for a while. I just purchased a brand new mini PC with windows 11. I downloaded launchbox like I normally did in the past. However, when I try to open the LB app, nothing happens. I have tried rebooting my PC, uninstalling and reinstalling LB. Any ideas? Maybe a security setting on my new PC I need to adjust? Thanks
  2. demul 0.7 - V sync? Seeking some advice:. When I turn V sync on, the roms run very slow and choppy, basically unplayable. When I turn V sync off, the frame rate is great, but bad screen tear. Running on a widescreen 50" TV. Any advice on what to set the setting to or what plug ins I should set? My desktop PC is a i7, 3060i card, 32GB ram Thanks
  3. demul 0.7 - V sync? Seeking some advice:. When I turn V sync on, the roms run very slow and choppy, basically unplayable. When I turn V sync off, the frame rate is great, but bad screen tear. Running on a widescreen 50" TV. Any advice on what to set the setting to or what plug ins I should set? My desktop PC is a i7, 3060i card, 32GB ram Thanks
  4. This worked well. Thank you. Yall seem to know demul well.....I have one more questions if you can help..... demul 0.7 - V sync? Seeking some advice:. When I turn V sync on, the roms run very slow and choppy, basically unplayable. When I turn V sync off, the frame rate is great, but bad screen tear. Running on a widescreen 50" TV. Any advice on what to set the setting to or what plug ins I should set? My desktop PC is a i7, 3060i care, 32GB ram Thanks
  5. LB does not know which one to run. How to I direct it to run certain roms? Do I need to put something in the command line? Thanks
  6. So I have been able to set up the Demul and the commands. Of the 8 Roms I am trying to use, 1 of them boots up from Launchbox and BigBox with no problems when selected. The other 7 roms, when selected from launchbox they bring me to the Demul window and "Select a Rom" window. I can still select the rom from that window and it will run, the problem is I like to use Big Box, and if I do it this way it freezes and the Rom will not load up. Any idea on what I am doing wrong with the other 7 Roms? Thanks
  7. I am running launch box to play some steam games. I have an Ultimarc ipac USB board for the arcade controls. Anyone have any advice on how to play games that only require a controller....like mortal Kombat xl, guilty gear strive, etc....trying to play some of the new games on my arcade cabinet. I heard vjoy app may work, but just don't want it to interrupt my other controls for my mame games...thanks!
  8. Hey, I found this while looking on how to create a mame.xml file. I too need for the led blinky. I read this thread and I was having the same issues in the command. I opened Mame, and then pressed configure options and then save current settings.....but where does the .xml file get generated? Thanks.
  9. When I try booting up LB I get an error: "Launchbox\Data\Settings.xml file is corrupt...please restore a backup of the file from the backups folder inside your Launch box root folder." Can anyone give me some advice on where to find these back up files? I am having trouble finding in order to restore. thanks!
  10. Seeking some advice.....I recently set up the controls in retroarch under the Pico core for sega roms. The controls work well if I open retroarch and then run the rom. But....if I run restroarch thru launch box I am having problems. My port 1 device type is Retropad, device index us Generic USB joystick #1. But when I start up the rom thru restroarch in launchbox....there is a small notification pop up on my bottom left hand corner that says ...Retrolink N64 located in port #1. Sound like that is the problem, I just have no idea how to change that....any ideas? Thanks again Thanks!
  11. Seeking some help....I am running retroarch with pico as the core. I ran the bezel project on my genesis and 32x. The 32x is working, but the genesis isn't pickkmg up the bezels. (Also I did successfully install the Bezel project on mama). Any advice on how to get the bezels on my sega roms?
  12. my exit hot key option is not working in Big Box. It does work in launch box, but for some reason the only way to exit a game it to hit esc on keyboard. I did go into the control mapping settings in big box.......but it still does not work, please help. Thanks!
  13. Figured it out. Thanks for help, we all good!
  14. I am in the Mame button configuration. I don’t see an “exit” command. Could it be called something else? Thanks
  15. I am running Mame. Let me try setting up exit in make as well. Keep u posted, thanks again.
  16. I am still having issues setting up the initial controllers. For example, I set up the controls and mapped them in Mame. Then I set up and map the controls in Bog box. However, after I select a game it is nearly impossible to play because the controls are all backwards. every after I map the exit keys in big box it still will not exit. Big box also freezes after I do exit a game (via a keyboard exit). I have to ctrl+alt+delete you get anywhere. do I have a problem with my controller? I am using a usb plug in controller. thanks again for the advice.
  17. Great thanks for the help with this. One more Q: how do I exit a game? Is there an exit button similar to retropie/Emulation station? Thanks
  18. New to Launchbox. How do I set the controls in the emulators? I am lost here. thanks for the help
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