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  1. Greetings @AstroBob! I actually decided to go with three separate builds: Home Console, PC, and Sinden Lightgun. I didn't originally plan for this, but BigBox is an awesome product - and with a lot of work, I was able to create a "Home Console" build of Launchbox that's 100% portable and can be easily played on a TV like a real console. The challenge came when integrating PC games, since a lot of these can't be played from a couch and need keyboard/mouse. I found it was too disruptive when someone was using my "Home Console" setup and they came across entries for "Windows PC", but they could only play by moving from the couch to a desk with a new setup. The solution was to create a dedicated PC-build which was meant to only be used at a desk. Later my brother created his own Sinden Lightgun drive. It would take me a week to reverse-engineer his setup (to integrate it into my Home Console drive), so instead I just include his build as an additional HDD and map to it within BigBox. My feature request would unify all of these experiences. I would be able to run my gaming PC with three HDDs - and BigBox would prompt for what experience I want to have (Console, PC, Sinden) - and then load that HDD's primary setup. My examples are probably an edge use-case and scripts seem to do the job. But I appreciate the consideration and maybe community interest will grow for this feature request.
  2. This might be a feature request (which I can submit) but is there functionality to seamlessly move between BigBox deployments? For example, if someone has separate Launchbox builds for "Sinden Lightgun", "DOS", and "Retro Home Consoles" - it would be awesome (when BigBox loads) to present you with a custom-screen that asks which deployment you want to load. Use Case: some of us have Launchbox builds that are too complicated to merge together - or are on separate drives (D: M: Q:). This feature (when enabled) would let you pick which drive to load on BigBox startup and then seamlessly switch between them, all while staying within the BigBox UI. The closest I think I can get to this today is with a BAT script - and adding (for example) "Sinden" as a Platform in BigBox, with the BAT script as a game named "Load Siden Drive". The script kills the current running BigBox process, waits 5 seconds, and then loads BigBox from the other "Sinden" drive. I appreciate any advise if there's an easier way to do this, or if the functionality might already exist. Here's the BAT script I use, if anyone is interested. Just change "M:\LaunchBox" path to the location of your other BigBox drive. Save this script as .bat file. Add the .bat as a game (named something like "Access other Drive") somewhere in LaunchBox so you can access it via BigBox: @echo off taskkill /f /im BigBox.exe > NUL timeout 3 > NUL start M:\LaunchBox\BigBox.exe
  3. Greetings! I have several drives running Launchbox - each use the exact same settings and folder structure. I working to merge them into a single drive/build. The Xbox 360 drive took a long time to setup since I had to manually add each game. Is there a method to easily port the settings into the new drive so I don't have to setup each X360 game again?
  4. Greetings. What is the different between Bezel Packs that are named with "SA"? The Github doesn't seem to explain this. For example: bezelprojectSA-PSX bezelproject-PSX
  5. Thank you.
  6. Thank you! Update fixes it!
  7. Bezels work great on my Mame .244 set using the Mame emulator. I re-ran the updater (to use the new Bezel feature) but Retroarch doesn't display any Bezels (using the MAME - Current Core). Do I need to do something in Retroarch to get the Mame Bezels to appear with the new Bezels feature?
  8. Has anyone cut down the MAME set to only include the top 300+ games we normally play? I need to cut down the romset (3000 is too many). I tried the 'All Killer No Filler' list, but noticed its missing 'Crusin'USA' so I can't trust its results. Curious what list you use to display the essential MAME games.
  9. Thank you - this worked!
  10. For anyone with Teknoparrot working in LB - how do you launch Star Wars Battle Pod? My LB tries to open 'RSLauncher' but all it does is open the Teknoparrot UI, and not the game. Launching the game from within the Teknoparrot UI works great, so I know the game files are good.
  11. Ah thats right! Thank you!!
  12. Hi everyone. Do Dreamcast roms in GDI format have to be zipped to work with LB? LB is trying to add each track as a separate rom (i.e. shenmue01.bin shenmue02.bin). Is there a way to add uncompressed GDI files to LB without zipping the entire GDI folder?
  13. Also seeing this issue. I'm on version 11.8 - update fails (with the OP message) when trying to move to latest version. Platform is now also unstable, such an unable to change views between Box Art and List View. Updated to 11.9 manually, and issue remains.
  14. Opening Launchbox, I'm greeted with the attached message, which reads "Launchbox is having trouble because it seems another application is using the file". Several reboots, and verification that the Launchbox process isn't in-use, the issue persists. Clicking OK, Launchbox then loads. However, it doesn't seem to work correctly because I change the view to 3D BOXES and nothing happens (list view doesn't change). A pop-up asks me to update, I say OK, and I'm presented with the error again. I then manually updated to 11.9 using the latest installer, but the issue persists.
  15. Solved - for anyone else who might need this. To create folders in the drive using file names as folder names copy the line below exactly: for %i in (*) do md "%~ni" To move files into the folders you created copy the line below exactly: for %i in (*) do move "%i" "%~ni"
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