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Everything posted by angerman

  1. just find in miscellaneous control+F11 ... I exit fully to bigbox , but I have one button on my cabinet that exit from games to bigbox and thats what I wont to use with amiga as well... I have I-PAC , and that button is mapping for keybord esc... "use CTRL-F11 to quit" Enabled = CTRL-F11 only in game "use CTRL-F11 to quit" Disabled = ALTF-F4 in game <Esc> or <Alt> + <F4> from the GUI
  2. need to press F12 , then I have emulator page then quit option
  3. Hi Retro !!! maybe you can help me ...same problem with comodore amiga cd 32 ..I try to add that command but not working ? and that hows my default line looks like (photo) thank You !!
  4. Hi there ! I have 2 screens and thanks to yours advices everything working perfect .... quick question when Im on the page when you can pick platform there is a baner on the second screen with that platform ..can I set there a movie like ps one opening movie ... simply I want a startup movie from platforms to be displeyed on the second screen when you choose the platform !!! is this possible ?? thank You
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