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Posts posted by SkyHighGam3r

  1. Someone pointed me to this wonderful sounding tool earlier today, but for the life of me I can't get it to work. I feel like I'm missing something that's probably right in front of me.

    • I downloaded the .zip
    • Extracted it.
    • Double-Click IsoEnablerForRPCS3.exe
    • ...and then nothing happens.

    I checked task manager, and for a split second this consent.exe process comes up, but that's the only evidence I clicked on anything:


    After that, I tried launching an ISO from Launchbox and all it does is open RPCS3 and sit there.

    I tried it a few times, since you've mentioned double-clicking a second time would disable it.

    Nothing I do seems to do anything though.

  2. Hmm dang, yeah that's similar to what I am doing currently.
    I went to all, organized by title, then used filters to narrow it to PS2, GC, XBOX, PSP, and Wii.
    I've been going through that list trying to find duplicates.

    It can be hard because not everything lines up how you'd hope. For example SRS: Street Syndicate Racing was listed as "Street Syndicate Racing" on Gamecube and was several rows down, almost missed it. Or there was RedCard 2003, on one system it was "Red Card", two words, and was way further down. (Not sure why on earth a space is calculated in alphabetization, but that's a different topic alltogether.)

    I was hoping there was a way to utilize the audit feature cross system or something, but it doesn't sound like it. I appreciate the response regardless, and thank you.

  3. I'm trying to downsize, and one of the ways I'm doing this is to get rid of unnecessary duplicate items. For example, if a game like "Harvey Birdman Attorney at law" is on Wii, PSP, and PS2, I don't need 3 versions of it. When I audit a platform however, duplicates only shows matches within a single platform.

    Is there a way that I can narrow down my search without going through each system with a fine-toothed comb? Appreciate any help/ideas I can get on this one. I have 31K+ games and it's just too much, I'm over it.

  4. Are there any parameters to configure quality/performance for 3D models?

    Normally I have no issue in BigBox browsing systems like Genesis or SNES, but when I go to a system like PSX or Saturn, it stutters while scrolling the game list. My 'assumption' is this is because the jewel/long jewel cases are doing more with the reflection/lighting that is present.

    Initially I was hoping I could just turn that off, but I can't find ANYTHING in this regard.

    Anyway to dial that in a bit so I can have smooth scrolling in all systems?

  5. I'm not sure why this isn't working, so here's what I've done.

    My "Microsoft DOS" games are all .zip files associated with the emulator RetroArch.
    They are located in "X:\Games\Microsoft DOS" which is the same drive as LaunchBox.
    In the Platform Details window, under the folders tab, the path is "..\Games\Microsoft DOS"
    I have deleted over 400 games.
    I have gone to Tools > Scan > Scan for Removed Microsoft DOS Roms
    It flashes the progress bar at the bottom for about .0001 seconds and then returns "No missing ROMS were found."
    I've checked the path in the games details, and they point to a .zip file that no longer exists.

    Am I doing something wrong here?
    As far as I can tell, and from looking around the forums and searching online, this is exactly what I should do to make it work.


  6. I can share, but I'm not sure what you are asking for exactly. Like, pictures or something?
    I just created an "Xbox One" wheel in LB and added the windows shortcut to the wheel so it opens the Xbox App.

  7. Personally, and while it's not exactly what you are setting out to do, I decided to go another route that felt like it gave me the same results. (more or less).

    I just installed Parsec on my Computer (8tb, personally) and installed Parsec on my Android Phone and Work Computer.
    Then I grabbed a Razer JungleCat (any phone controller would work).

    I now have my *entire* build everywhere, so long as there is WiFi.

    • Like 1
  8. I think it would be an awesome addition.
    I assume more than "Game Pass", we are specifically talking about the xCloud portion of it; the cloud streaming?

    Personally, I have MASSIVE libraries on my PlayStation and Xbox, and I ended up creating PS4/5 and X1/XSX wheels with an entry that pulls up the Remote Play apps.
    It's hardly an integration, but it 'helps' to centralize things.

  9. Currently, all 923 of my PS2 games are in .cso format.
    I'm going through the process of converting them CSO-to-ISO-to-CHD, since .chd is now supported in emulation.

    The problem I'm running into with launchbox, is that I don't want to re-add all the games and have to re-configure the art and things like that.
    I just wanna somehow tell launchbox, all .cso is now .chd.

    Is there a way to do this?

  10. Sometimes this black screen shows up instead of the game details page.

    I can't figure out why or how to fix it.

    It happens seemingly at random.
    I can't back out of the game, the program freezes.
    Have to close it from task manager.

    I tried defragging my cache folder, rebuilding my cache.

    I'm at a loss, but it's super annoying.
    Please help me.



  11. I'm noticing that when I imported my games, a number of titles mistakenly got added as additional apps/versions. For example NightCaster II had NightCaster listed as an additional app... as I've gone through my system, I've noticed this has occurred (particularly with sequels) a number of times.

    Is there any method to audit or list all games that have additional apps/versions attached to them?

    Not sure how else to go about finding all the ones I "haven't" come across yet :(

  12. 1 hour ago, Retro808 said:

    You have to uncheck that playlist box the import wizard. Uncheck the box at the bottom that says "Create Playlists for Mame..."


    Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 12.18.54 PM.png

    I had never seen this prompt before in all my time with LaunchBox.
    I just went toying around to see if I could find it.
    Apparently, this doesn't come up at all if you drag and drop your folder into LaunchBox to start the import process.
    You have to actually go to Tools>Import and point it at your folder for this to come up.

    Very strange, but either way I'm just glad I can disable that now.
    Thanks for your help!

  13. I've searched the forums, and google, but I can't find the answer to this one.
    I'm trying to remap controls in BigBox, and I can't seem to unassigned inputs.

    Backspace, Esc, Del, both while selected and while active - do nothing.

    This is specifically for Controller mapping though, not keyboard mapping. That one will just unassign after a few moments with no input.

  14. Ok, so I think I figured it out, but I don't understand the 'why'.

    Like, half my Sega CD games are pulling in PAL art, and not giving me USA art. I seem to have to select the North American Alternate name, change the region to North America, then save the edits - and THEN it will pull in the correct art.

    Is there no way to just make it pull in everything? I'd honestly rather have everything than have to 1-by-1 grab the correct thing.

  15. Example Scenario: I'm importing Sega CD games. One of these games is Blackhole Assault. This attaches LB ID #19298, which in turn leads to this entry in the Games DB - https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/18698

    As you can see in the DB entry, there are box-front entries for North America, Europe, and Japan. However, it only pulled in the Japanese box-art. Ok, easy enough to fix. I opened Edit>Images>Download Media. Except now it shows "Box - Front (1)" and not "3". I thought, something must be miscategorized, so I downloaded everything available... but it still didn't give me the PAL or USA boxes...

    This has happened with several games over the last few days. What am I doing wrong?

    EDIT: Is there a way to just manually retrieve images from the Games DB site? I can't believe I can't just right-click and save image as.

  16. The Neon one is along the right lines, but a bit over-done for my personal tastes. The CRTFlux seems like it's trying to mimic a CRT rather than run on one. I appreciate you sharing them.

    I flipped through the downloads page on the site, but I didn't see much. I'm honestly surprised more people aren't using this kind of setup. Is there a way I can edit the default theme? Maybe that would be more appropriate. I'm not sure how I'd go about making one. I used to use HyperTheme several years ago, or would manually edit the files for HyperSpin to re-arrange things on-screen.

  17. Scratch that, it's on my parents in Platforms, but on my notes in Platform Categories.
    It also seems like it changes. I've been rebooting a few times and sometimes things are there, sometimes not.

    Is there an xml file I can edit to change parent values for this or anything?

  18. Screenshot shows what I mean.
    This has been happening for a couple days, and It's asked me to update a number of times so I don't know when it started.
    No idea how to fix it.

    Also not sure how to manually edit the parent of a platform.
    Wanted to put it in handhelds, instead of consoles.


  19. Is there an easy way to submit updates to the Games DB from within launchbox? I've been manually inputting requests via the Games DB section of the site here, and that works beautifully. I'd love to contribute even more, but I think it'd be great to be able to fill out a sheet in LaunchBox and then hit "submit changes to DB" or something along those lines.

    Is there anything like that, or an easier way to contribute outside of manually going to the website to submit updates?

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