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Files posted by hitm4n

  1. Vectrex 2D Front Cover Box Art - By Simon Quincey -

    Vectrex 2D Front Cover Box Art - By Simon Quincey
    So i added all my Vectrex roms (113 at the time) to Launchbox, i let it do its "thing" and
    the artwork it downloaded was horrendous. Different sizes, wildly different qualities, some
    real, some custom and a whole load missing. Like 70% missing!
    Every rom needs an image, they should all be the same size and style too. I know, i'll make
    my own set using anything i can find online. 113 roms, how long can it take? If theres no
    artwork online i'll just use a screenshot from emulation.
    Every search for more images, lead me to more websites, more information and more roms. I
    joined a very cool Facebook group on 28th April, to learn more and find more artwork and
    there were plenty of helpful people there. There were also more roms...
    From the "Vectrex Fans Unite" Facebook group i would like to thank everyone for the
    encouragement and support. And particular thanks to these guys who provided much needed
    original artwork to complete this cover set.
    Graham Toal
    Chris Malcolm
    Jacek Selanski
    David Flemming
    Tony Holcomb
    Alan McClelland
    Manu Parssinen
    Steven Salter
    John Blythe
    If you helped me out and i missed your name here, sorry, but i do thank you.
    Also, from the Launchbox thread i started and did my daily progress updates to, i would
    like to thank...
    ...for the ongoing support.
    I started at 113 roms but ended up with 260! Seemed never ending but i've finally done it.
    So here in this pack are 260 unified images, all following the same design template, same
    resolution (1024x800) and (as much as possible) the same quality level.
    I have done the best i can with the online artwork i could find. I've used original box
    scans where possible, i've used other peoples custom box artwork at times, i've upscaled
    some, cleaned others, totally dumped and rebuilt others. I've used various emulators to
    capture screenshots and built totally new logos for some. Its been a lot of work and after
    about 6-7 weeks or so, i'm done... for now...
    Although this set of images was selfishly only going to be for myself to begin with, after
    sharing what i was doing it seemed there were others who were interested in using these. I
    was asked if i would share them, so thats what i'm doing. Of course, they are free to use,
    i don't own any of this.
    This set should now be uploaded to the Launchbox website/forum as a pack/zip and to my own
    GoogleDrive too. My GoogleDrive will also hold these as individual files and i'll have an
    area for new and updated files.
    The link to my GoogleDrive will be shared to both the Launchbox forum and Facebook group.
    Updates to this pack, error fixes, new covers, cover requests etc. may only be uploaded to
    my GoogleDrive. So if you have read all this waffle and you are using these images, please
    check there for new files.
    I will take requests for covers, if i've missed a rom and you still have artwork gaps after
    adding this set, just ask. I will fix any errors you spot too. All i ask is you request by
    email (top and bottom of this text), and if its for a rom i don't have, you send me that
    rom. I will update covers too if you have improved artwork, you just need to send me it.

     Comments, roms, requests, fixes, artwork etc. to...
     Have fun.
     Simon Quincey.
    v1.0 - Initial release, 260 images
    v1.1 - 15 new images + 6 updated - total 275
    New - 3D Demo
    New - 3D Vector Space Cab
    New - All Your Base
    New - Berzerk Ultimate
    New - City Bomber
    New - Doodle
    New - Monster House
    New - Philly Classic 3
    New - Quick Shot
    New - SD - Untitled
    New - Sinz Demo
    New - This Is Just A Non Playable Demo
    New - V-Theremin
    New - Very Vectight
    New - YMusic #1
    Update - Alley Anxiety - Font size fix
    Update - Berzerk Bugfixed - Better logo, matching Berzerk Ultimate
    Update - Frogs N Flies - Clearer screenshot
    Update - KnightEx - Logo created from higher resolution source and made slightly larger
    Update - Oregon Trail - New logo
    Update - Vaboom + Vectrace - New logo
    v1.2 - 3 new images + 3 updated - total 278
    New - Blitz Action Football - US version of Blitz American Football (alt cover)
    New - Soccer Football - US version of Heads Up Action Soccer (alt cover)
    New - Web Wars - US version of Web Warp (alt cover)
    Update - Blitz American Soccer - File renamed (to Football, added UK), subtitle updated
    Update - Heads Up Action Soccer - File renamed (added UK)
    Update - Web Warp - File renamed (added UK), top logo adjusted, bottom logo replaced
    v1.3 - 2 new images + 7 updated - total 280
    New - Xandoz
    New - The J-Game
    Update - Stevedore - Added subtitle
    Update - Birds Of Prey - New logo
    Update - Hexed - New logo
    Update - Omega Chase - New logo
    Update - Top Gun - New logo
    Update - Vec-Fu - New logo
    Update - Vector 21 - New logo


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