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Everything posted by brilakebay

  1. Thanks. My launchbox themes folder only has default, old default, and readme in it.
  2. On 13.18 and 13.19 I can't load or open Big Box. Launch box opens and works fine. Any troubleshooting ideas are welcome.
  3. Thank you. No, I can't open BB at all. so I can't get to sett0ings.
  4. 0The cue2chd folder is a plugin I added a while back. I haven't used this utility and don't really need it.
  5. My old build has a "cue2chd" folder in my launchbox/plugins folder. My new test build you had me create does not have the "cue2chd" folder. I'm tempted to try removing that folder from my existing full build, but will wait until I hear back from you?
  6. On the left is the plugins folder from the new 13.19 you had me build. on the right is from my full build.
  7. Thank you. I tried what you instructed, and BB loaded on the remote 13.19. now what?
  8. I repo0sted new plugins screenshot. Did you see it?
  9. Ooops. posted wrong file. here it is.
  10. Yes. just BB. Launchbox has loaded fine'
  11. I've had problems loading BB for a few weeks now. I updated to 13.19 this morning, and BB still will not load. I've tried custom and automatic backups but BB will not open. All I get is BB banner in the middle of the screen. Any ideas how to proceed? I have 22,000 games and media for a couple of thousand, so I really don't want to start over from scratch!? Help!
  12. Well, I tried installing the Beta 13.19-4 update and no change. Big Box still won't load!?
  13. I'm having the same problem. No matter what I try (loading multiple auto/custom backups) I can't get Bigbox to load!?
  14. Yes, That make perfect sense. Thank you for quick reply.
  15. Hi, My count shows (at most) 6,128 of 7,216. My question is, why does my count not show all my roms? How can I get my count to show complete count? I only noticed this because I deleted my Mame emulator and roms, and am reimporting Mame 0.220 romset ( for a fresh set). So I a little time on my hands. Sorry if I posted in the wrong place...
  16. Kapla!! (Thanks for your help : )
  17. Good advice. I need to take a short dinner break to decompress my brain, then come back to this. I will post my results, but am hopeful with the new ideas and information. Now I know how I can paste xml, and if needed go get a fresh one. Peace...
  18. thank you, i'll try that. I've tried copying bigbox settings.xml from backups, but can't paste into bigbox data file.
  19. This morning I accidently (not paying attention) unplugged my external HD that has my portable Launchbox and it's 13,500 games from my powered OTG to connect it to another new powerd OTG without closing Launchbox on my computer first. When I tried to start it up after plugging my external HD to new OTG I got this failure notice. I tried to do this, but to no avail, being 60 and not overly knowledgeable. If anyone more knowledgeable than me (most everyone here i'm sure) wants to look at my self inflicted fail and offer advice, I would surly appreciate it?
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