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  1. Thank you for the quick and informative reply...once I get some extra free time I will definitely dabble with it...the theme is still fantastic as is 👍...I only asked out of curiosity of the possibilities
  2. First let me say I love the work you do...your themes are fantastic, adding the "wow factor" to my arcade cabinet! A question I have for you is...with this updated version I see the game titles on NES and SNES scroll horizontally when they are too long to fit on screen...but I recall the older versions resizing the text to fit instead...is there a way I can revert the game titles text to this older way?
  3. Correction: There is the same issue when adding games with drag and drop...I will just have to use the manual drop down menu from now on to avoid the auto-generated playlists being created... hopefully this gets fixed in the next update. And on top of this some of my themes are now showing pop up errors, namely the "coverbox" theme...it won't load the text list properly...version 11.9 has been a frustrating let down to say the least
  4. Issue Solved: Apparently when upgrading to version 11.9 my settings were overwritten...so I had to go through the manual drop down menu to add a ROM and deselect the auto-generated playlists option...now everything works fine even when doing the drag and drop adding
  5. This never happened with version 11.8...this only started occurring once I upgraded to version 11.9
  6. everything is good before, then when I add the ROM it goes into the "Import Games from Files" wizard...I go through all the steps as usual...then at the very end of the process it says on the progress bar that it's "Creating Playlists"...this is what I need to stop from happening
  7. here are screen caps of a before, showing that I don't have the auto-generated playlists before I add a ROM...and then the after, showing all the unwanted playlists added
  8. I've tried the manual deletion as well...in fact the manual deletion doesn't work...using that method, when you open launchbox again the playlists are still there. As far as adding ROMs I drag and drop from my ROMs folder to trigger the launchbox wizard, I go through all the steps, and then when I click finish it shows at the bottom of launchbox the working progress bar...and at the very end it will show "creating playlists"...then it finishes and my ROM is added...I don't want these lists to be created
  9. I delete the playlists through launchbox by right clicking each playlist and selecting delete (it can be very tedious)...the lists remain deleted until I add another ROM...then the playlists are added again...and I have to delete them all over again
  10. I am in need of some assistance in disabling the auto-generated playlists that launchbox creates...namely the many "classics" playlists that are created in the Arcade section. I had no issues in launchbox version 11.8, I was able to choose to NOT create the auto-generated playlists...but when I upgraded to version 11.9...launchbox now decides to create these playlists. I will then delete the playlists, but they just get re-created everytime I add a ROM to my MAME platform under the arcade section. I have no idea what changed between the versions...or where I would need to go to disable the creation of these playlists. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Note: I have currently downgraded back to version 11.8 until I can find a solution
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