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milhouse34521's Achievements

1-Bit Wonder

1-Bit Wonder (1/7)



  1. Hey - did you ever get this fixed? I'm having the same issue.
  2. Thanks so much. Wasn't exactly the issue I was having, it turned out, but it allowed me to troubleshoot and figure out that I should have the coleco.zip, int.zip files etc. in the ./roms folder in the MAME folder, and not in the D:\ROMS\Mame folder.
  3. Hi, I recently started migrating from HyperSpin to Launchbox due to Launchbox features and the lack of support/updates with HyperSpin. I have an arcade cabinet that I am trying to get working with Launchbox, but I am running into an issue with MAME and Consoles. Basically, MAME loads arcade games no problem (via LaunchBox) but does not launch console games. From the command line and HyperSpin, they all work fine. Unfortunately, I don't think there are any LaunchBox Logs that show what command was actually run during startup so I haven't been able to troubleshoot much, so I thought I'd ask here. I believe my emulators are setup correctly. As you can see, I am still using my HyperSpin install locations, so the important details are: LaunchBox Location: D:\LaunchBox\LaunchBox.exe MAME location: D:\HyperSpin_1.5.1\Emulators\mame0224b_64bit\groovymame64_224.exe mame.ini rompath: D:/ROMS/MAME224 MAME Roms: D:\ROMS\MAME224\ ColecoVision Roms (I've tried all the below): D:\ROMS\ColecoVision\coleco.zip which contains 313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 and coecoa.rom D:\ROMS\MAME224\coleco.zip which contains 313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 and coecoa.rom D:\ROMS\MAME224\coleco\313 10031-4005 73108a.u2 D:\ROMS\MAME224\coleco\coecoa.rom I've tried similar folder structures for Atari 2600 and Intellivision, but I am not having any luck. LaunchBox says "Now Loading" and LedBlinky works and announces the correct game, but nothing else happens. The log doesn't seem to contain a lot of useful information, but its also attached. Can any help out here? Thanks. Debug 2020-10-02 10-43-23 AM.log
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