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1-Bit Wonder

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  1. Resurrecting to bring attention that this still appears to be an issue in latest version, 11.9. I've been trying to figure this one out for a while, lb was crashing after every single edit. Low utilization, but hangs and crashes as others in this thread experienced. Very glad to have found the workaround in this thread, turned off videos in game details (I have videos for almost all of my modest ~600 collection) and it immediately stopped the crashes. So that's great! I haven't noticed any memory leak issues after testing with videos on and off in details. Would be cool to get videos back outside of big box, but it's better than crashes. Thanks!
  2. Well now. Question: how do you auto generate *series* playlists. Is that even a function in launchbox?? To be clear, I do know how to auto-gen playlists. I don't want to manually search through my collection, select all the games in a series, add them to the series, rinse-repeat. Got a lot of games, kind of the point of launchbox. There's already plenty to configure without having to sort the series manually. Is it an issue with the DB, since the DB never assigns series automatically? ie, this feature i'm looking for isn't available? before you say read the guides post or make a search... this didn't help: this didn't help: this appears like it might, maybe help, but looks wayyy out of date and so didn't help: this didn't help because either the auto-gen series feature has been moved or removed or never existsed: neither did the other half dozen resources i've looked through help. This next bit is just for the mods, some real great support in response to the same question in this here post: Rude to the cx? Check. Didn't resolve their issue? Check. Gave them an example that their issue can be easily resolved, but without telling them how, insulting the customer's intelligence by implying they should have found the resolution already? Check. Tell them all it takes is a simple search when clearly that's how the cx necro'd that post in the first place? Mhmm, Gave the same impression to other users who fond this thread? Sure did for me, nice one. Consider for a moment how many people like me have been trying to figure this out, and all they can find is that car-crash of a post from the mod, who I assume is still active. The Thread's got >1000 views babyy, and it's not just google because most in-forum searches I've made on this subject point to that post. Honestly if I were you lot I'd delete that thread because it is an embarrassment. Look, I get it the message: the answer's out there, apparently it's easy to find, I guess that makes me stoopid for not searching for the right terms, or lazy for only searching for a couple hours, oh well - please help an idiot out and point me to the bus stop. Maybe I missed it in a post I already read, who knows, berate me, I don't care, just, for the love of god, answer the question when you do, please. If you had a wiki you wouldn't need to reply to idiots like me asking the same questions over and over. I'm sure you hear this suggestion every other day. The reason for that is because this software company (even if small) with a product that requires lengthy configurations only has youtube videos and a disjointed forum... which are arguably more of a pain to produce and maintain than a wiki, particularly as older content becomes outdated, and believe me it is certainly more of a pain for the customer to parse through than searching a wiki. Videos are good supplements, they're not meat and veg. Eat your peas and try not to alienate your userbase.
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