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Everything posted by njhilliard

  1. Here are some fillers of additional Retroarch Dynamic wallpapers missing from original wppretroarch collection). Enjoy!!
  2. Does this work for Samba shares on Linux? Nick
  3. Anyone in the development team consider making a script to add marquee clear logo art to a LCD marquee similar to HyperMarquee from Hyperspin?
  4. Just wanted to share this to the newbies like myself out there about which emulators run which type of games (this is referring to real Arcade stand up games which may have not been ported to a console): 1. Old arcade games are emulated with MAME and FinalBurn Alpha 2. SEGA Model 2 games are emulated with Model 2 emulator (over MAME): See http://nebula.emulatronia.com/descargas.php and the wiki https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Model_2_Emulator which explains which game types are emulated and which arcade circuit boards are compatible; circa 1994-98 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Sega_arcade_system_boards) 3. SEGA Model 3 games are emulated with Supermodel3 emulator and is available through EMU-cr (http://www.emucr.com/). These games were circa 1996-98 3. SEGA NAOMI and NAOMI2 games are emulated using Demul (http://demul.emulation64.com/) and flycast core of Retroarch (these require different game types from Demul) using the *.lst file subtype. Most NAOMI2 games do not run in emulation yet. These games were circa 1999-2001 4. SEGA Triforce - runs using old fork of Dolphin called Dolphin Triforce circa 2003 5. SEGA Chihiro, Lindbergh, Europa R, RingEdge / RingWide / RingEdge 2, etc arcade boards are emulated using Teknoparrot (https://teknoparrot.com/); these games were circa 2003-13.
  5. Yeah guys I am no MAME expert, I have a split set of MAME romsets which would never play the CPS3 games in the set. This is a solution because they now work. For those who have non-merged sets that come with the CHDs, you dont need to worry about this issue. You can mix CHDs and split core ROMs (see reference: https://journalextra.com). I hope this helps those with a recommended split set from ETA Prime.
  6. Hey guys Found a real time 2021 solution to CPS3 games not playing in launchbox. This one is a doozy, so get ready. 1. Goto Arcade database website http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/ and search for the required romset of your game (basically for CPS3 games this is your *.zip file; for example Street fighter 3: New Generation is sfiii.zip). 2. Find your required CHD (compressed hunks of data) file (for example you need the cap-sf3-3.chd file). Do a google search or internet archive search (LINK REMOVED) This is the actual rom file. 3. Your zip file should have the correct key file within it usually this is a *.u2 file (European ver sfiii.zip; US ver sfiiiu.zip; Japan ver sfiiij.zip) 4. Check arcade database if the CHD file associated works with your particular language specific zip file pack/romset. For example Street Fighter 3: New Generation Japanese and US ver use the same CHD file. Not all games are similar. Each uses a specific CHD file and later revision games may use another CHD file. 5. If you cant find the *.CHD file you can sometimes find an *.img file or *.iso file ripped from the disc/cartridge. This file can be transformed to a *.bin and *.cue combo files (via AnyBurn; freeware for disc image conversion). Once you have burned your img or iso file to appropriate dual BIN and CUE files then your ready to convert to the *.chd format or CHD file. 6. Use the attached batch file (named CUE or GDI to CHD.bat) to convert from BIN and CUE with chdman (comes with MAME). Step1: Put your batch file, chdman file, and *.bin and *.cue file in the same folder. Step 2: Double click the batch file and it runs a CMD window to convert your BIN and CUE to the CHD format and outputs to the same folder. Note: You can also use Philips CDi image files or *.bin and *.cue to convert to CHD for MAME. 7. Make a folder named the same file name as the *.zip CPS3 romset you want to run. For example sfiii.zip is the Street Fighter 3: Next Generation romset. Put in the roms folder of MAME a new folder named sfiii with the CHD file in it. DO NOT zip the CHD file, it will not work that way. Make sure you name the CHD file the name that MAME associates with this zip file; in this case cap-sf3-3.chd by double checking the Arcade database website and clicking required files near the romset section of your game. 8. Goto Launchbox, import the *.zip file into Launchbox by importing roms. Sometime I choose Retroarch as the emulator at first because importing a single MAME games is ignored by Launchbox and will not work. Once the artwork and romset is imported, right click the game and click Edit. Goto Lauching section and rename the launch string appropriately ie sfiii.zip (European ver) or sfiiiu.zip (US ver) or sfiiij.zip (Japanese ver). MAME will start and the ROM will load and say it needs to clear the memory. It takes about 15 to 20 min (I have an i9-10900 with a u.2 drive and it still takes that long; remember these are emulating old CD speeds). Once it reloads the memory, the game should start normally thereafter. 9. Cheers! Hope this helps for frustrated users who only want to play some nice CPS3 games. CUE or GDI to CHD.bat
  7. Ty
  8. Dear developers would like to address a bug I came across and see if there is a solution. I was within the Tools-Options-game controller binds and mapping. I have 4 arcade joystick combos with 8 buttons. I picked a quit game option with button 0 (on joystick 2) and whenever I press any joystick (of the 4) button setup as button 0, it exits the game. I have the checkbox recognize all game controllers (can’t remember setting exactly). Is there anyway to make this feature a drop down box where I can select individual joystick controllers for each function instead of add/clear buttons? Thanks Nick
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