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I'm next with having issues getting Emu Movies to connect via Launchbox after an LB update. I'm now on LB 13.5, at least three versions after this initially started. I was using emu movies through LB for over two years, no problem. I have a lifetime account and have always been able to directly connect to emumovies.com. It seems like people have had issues with this. One suggestion was to change the Emu Movies password to only contain letters and numbers. I did that but I'm still having problems connecting through Launchbox. I also read that you should try switching your emumovies username with your connected email in the username section. Same thing, no luck. I tried closing LB and reopening. I also tried restarting the computer and reopening LB, no luck.
No, luck. I'm afraid. I ended up using a different emulator for Atari, since I personally didn't need overlays for that one. It enabled me to predictably use my utltrastick controller. I switched to loading Atari Roms directly through Bizhawk from Launchbox and Big Box. I use Retroarch only for the emulators where I want to use my Xbox controller.
I use Retroarch through Launchbox and BB for some consoles. I like the overlay/bezel options for GameBoy, GBC, GBA and PSP. Plus I like how RA runs Atari. I'm trying to use two Ultrastick 360's and one Xbox Series XJs wireless depending on the games. I can get RA to work great if I just have the Ultrasticks connected. When I connect the Xbox Wireless controller it forces itself to be Port 1 Controller in RA. But I can adjust to that change with the Ultrasticks as they get assigned to Port 2 and Port 3 and consistently stay that way when the Xbox controller is connected. The connected Xbox controller at Port 1 works fine in my emulators that are using the Port 1 controller. However, I can't successfully map the Ultrasticks to become Controller 1 and 2 for the Cores and games I want to use them for. The joysticks just don't move. This is after I made sure they worked when setting up each ultrastick before I plugged in the Xbox controller. The mapped A & B/Fire buttons are fine (which are just keyboard) inputs but the joysticks won't move. I tried turning controller autoconfig off in Ra after separately setting up my three controllers, deleting my retroarch.cfg file, but still not luck. The Xbox controller is assigned as an xinput and the Utrasticks are assigned as dinputs. Any advice?
Here's a good thread on how to run devreorder for those that come across this topic and need some more insight on how to get it to work: It came from this reddit post Use this, Devreorderhttps://github.com/briankendall/devreorder Download and unzip where ever you want go to "\devreorder-master\release\x64" and take the dinput8.dll file, and copy that into the same directory that Retroarch.exe is in (devreorder will only effect the program this file is in)create the directory/folder "C:\ProgramData\devreorder" and copy the "devreorder.ini" file from "\devreorder-master\release" folder (the folder "ProgramData" is hidden by default)plug in all the controllers you use or want to use at some point and open "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Devices and Printers", right click any controller and click "game controller settings". This will give you a list of all your controllers connect by wireless or USB With your list on controllers now shown, open "devreorder.ini" in the "C:\ProgramData\devreorder", you can ignore and delete everything in that ini, because all you need to bother with is these two sections [order] ;order of controllers[hidden] ;controllers you want hidden from program Place your controllers as listed (case sensitive) in the order you want them to be in the [order] section of the ini file. if you don't want to hide any controllers you can leave [hidden] blank or delete it out right. Example of my devreorder.ini I use in my Retro Box system [order] Pro Controller Bluetooth XINPUT compatible input device Wireless Gamepad usb gamepad Controller (Dinput) Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows) Controller (Xbox One For Windows) Controller (ZD Game For Windows) Core (Plus) Wired Controller 8BitDo SN30 Pro for Android [hidden] Mayflash Wiimote PC Adapter Mayflash Wiimote PC Adapter Mayflash Wiimote PC Adapter Mayflash Wiimote PC Adapter
I too am having issues with being able to use the pause screen when I play MAME games through Big Box. When I try to use pause screen in Big Box while playing a MAME game the screen goes black very similar to what other users have described within the topic string, I can, however, get the pause screen to successfully work when I pause in Launchbox. I also can successfully enable the pause screen in other emulators like Retroarch, Daphne, Project64, etc, while running BigBox. I tried using this code "WinActivate, ahk_exe mame64.exe" under LB Manage emulators/PauseScreen/Startupscreen with not luck to get the pause screen to also work while running MAME through BB. I have "Forceful Pause Screen Activation" selected in BB and LB. I can successfully hit pause when I only have MAME running with MAME's pause feature. I'm not using Rocketlauncher with my LB/BB. My work around is to have the enable pause screen option disabled in Big Box but have the Keyboard Automation option set up to show the pause screen with a hold button combination. So when I want to pause in MAME I hit the "p" key and MAME will pause (just freezes the game). But with other emulators I use the hold key combo to get the pause screen to show up. Now here's another quagmire - when I'm in the pause screen with those other emulators, I cannot use my chosen default joystick to move the selection from Resume Game to Load State, Save State, Edit, etc. I can only use the up and down arrow keys on my keyboard to move selections. However, my joystick works fine when I'm in the Big Box menu to select games, platforms, system options and to play the games. Go figure.
Hello, I bit the bullet and upgraded my Launchbox/BigBox powered arcade machine to Windows 11. (Microsoft got more and more annoying about the upgrade.) After doing that I get the "Launchbox populating games message" and it does eventually open but it takes just under 30minutes. When I try Big Box it does that same thing - it takes just under a half hour to start. When I have clicked on the Big Box loading logo, I get an error message from Windows stating it's not responding. But if I leave it alone it eventually opens up. To try to fix this I loaded back up launchbox data files from several previous versions but I still get the same problem. I attached my LB/BB debug log. Any ideas? Debug 2022-07-27 11-32-39 AM.log
When I play Discs of Tron on Mame through Lunchbox/Big Box I'll get a high score in the tens of thousands, like 12,000. It will register on my Discs of Tron in the high score section correctly but when it ports over to the networked High Score Community Leaderboard it shows up as 100th of the that score - 12,000 shows up as 120. It doesn't seem to be that way for other contributors as their high scores are listed in the tens of thousands. I do see, however, I'm not the only contributor that has this prorated score. Now, it could be that this is the way for everyone and those people that have 25,0000 points actually got 2,500,000. However, the other games that port high scores to the community leaderboard don't do this math, so it seems weird to me. Any one else notice this? IMG_7430.HEIC
My Ultimarc Ultrastick 360 issue is solved! The Ultrasticks were indeed stuck in firmware update mode. Following the instructions for running "uupdate.exe" from Ultimarc's site was the correct way to go. I'll put them down below for reference. What was missing was the Ultrastick 360 firmware. I could not find the file the on the Ultimarc website. However, I emailed them, ie. Andy (the man does it all,) and they (he) gave me the firmware update file for the UltraStick 360....IT WORKED!! He did say that the firmware update should reset by itself if the USB joystick is unplugged and then reconnected. I couldn't get that to work after trying several times for some reason. But uploading the Ultrastick firmware using "uupdate.exe" in conjunction with manually installing the UHID Firmware Update Driver from the Setup folder did work for me. The Ultrastick firmware is for units from 2015 onwards. Thanks to Headrush69 and JoeViking245 for responding to my post. You helped me deduce what needed to happen to fix this issue. Below is the process from Ultimarc's Programmers page that got me out of my UltraStick 360 Stuck in UHID Firmware Update Mode pickle. The correct firmware for the Ultrastick 360 newer than 2015 is here: Ultrastik_37.ufw. All our firmware-upgradeable USB products use the same method for upgrade. This is how it should work: Firmware upgrade requested from the appropriate utility (WinIPAC, Ultramap, U-Config etc) The utility must be right-clicked and "run as administrator". A driver is pre-installed automatically. This is the only time any of our products require a custom driver. The device is shut down by the utility and then resets as a different device, which is known as a "Firmware Upgrade Device". This new device should appear in Device Manager, if the "USB Controllers" entry is expanded. A program called "uupload.exe" is started automatically by the utility. The utility is then closed down. The "uupload.exe" window should appear and a "device detected" message should appear. The firmware file is selected from this window and upgrade should proceed. Do not be concerned if the progress bar does not show. The upgrade should take max 5 minutes. After that, the device is reset back into normal operation mode, and at this point the uupload program can no longer see it, and should display "No device detected or upgrade complete". What can go wrong: Uupload.exe cant find the upgrade device The most common reason for this is the custom driver install has failed. This can be checked by starting device manager and expanding the "USB Controller" entry. The device might be showing with an error, or there might ne a new device somewhere else in Device Manager which has failed to install. The fix for this is as follows: Download the manually-installed driver from the link in the section below and run "setup" located in the setup folder. NOTE: Must be right-clicked and "run as administrator". Right click on the failed device and "uninstall" Click "Scan for new hardware". The driver should install. Re-run the "uupload.exe" program which is located in the install folder of WinIPAC, UltraMap, U-Config etc, and re-try the upgrade. Firmware upgrade locks up or fails to finish, resulting in stuck in upgrade mode Simply re-run the "uupload.exe" program which is located in the install folder of WinIPAC, UltraMap, U-Config etc, and re-try the upgrade.
The Ultrasticks are definitely stuck in Firmware upgrade mode. As mentioned in a previous post I brought one of the problematic joysticks over to a brand new installed Windows 10 machine with a clean device manager-nothing other than a mouse and USB keyboard ever connected. I still get the Ultrastick to read on that machine as "UHID Firmware Update" on its device manager. I can get the Ultimarc "uupload.exe" program to recognize the controller. It says "UHID Firmware Upgrade detected" but I think I need the most recent firmware to reset it? However, I can't seem to find a firmware file anywhere. I know it's been a while since these UltraSticks had a firmware update but my logic is reloading the most recent version will fix these f'ed controllers???
I just tried that. No luck. In device manager though the Ultrastik appears under Other Devices as "UHID Firmware Update" with a warning sign. I click on properties and it says, "The drivers for this device are not installed." I try to uninstall and then reinstall but I still get the same issue. I even tried "Update Driver," but nada.
I have two Ultimarc UltraStik360's for my arcade cabinet running Launchbox via Windows 10. They were working fine on my machine until I installed a rumble driver for a Voyee USB Game Cube style controller. Once I did that, Windows no longer saw the two UltraStick's. They stopped showing up in the Device Manager. I also went onto UltraMap and it read as "Not Plugged in." One thing is I also have the UltraStick Flight Stick. That has not run into any issues. It's still seen and works. I figured something must have happened to the drivers of the UltraStik joysticks. I uninstalled the Voyee rumble driver hoping that would bring them back. But still same issue. In my next step I then unplugged the two non-working UltraStiks, uninstalled UltraMap, then reinstalled Ultramap, rebooted and then plugged one of the two non working joysticks in. Nothing happened. I'm still having the same issue. The UltraStik Flight Stick still works. Wondering if someone might have any insight.
Hello, right now the only way I can wake my cabinet running Windows 10 from sleep mode is to use a mouse or keyboard or the power button on the hidden CPU. I have my bios on my motherboard to allow usb devices to wake it up from sleep. In theory, my Ultimarc Ultrasticks are USB devices and should be able to wake the computer from sleep. Same goes for stuff connected to the Ipac 2. I've gone into Windows' power manager to enable wake from sleep. When I go into device manager to mange individual devices the Ultrastick devices don't have the power management tab available like the mouse or keyboard does. Has anyone had any luck? In a perfect world I'd love to get the computer running the cabinet to wake up when I toggle at least one joystick.
Thanks for the response. After I tried your suggestions I then realized what I was doing wrong. This ROM was updated for a spring 2021 Mame. I was erroneously opening my old MAME version (I didn't update my desktop shortcut with the new version) but launchbox was trying to connect to the updated 2.35 MAME I installed. So launchbox tried to open the old rom versions using MAME .235 whereas the desktop shortcut was opening them using an older MAME .226 that I did not trash yet.