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Posts posted by Akasha

  1. OMG. Ok.... so I FINALLY figured out the problem. As a long-time user of MAME (about 20 years), I've been using mostly older versions that were no-nag and dinput patched. I'd gotten so used to using those versions for so many years (which automatically have dpad configured), that I completely forgot I can simply ADD the dpad controls in the tab menu! D'OH! I'm a stupid. :) 

    It's working fine now - yay! Hopefully this will help anyone who might get stuck on the same issue. On another note however, I keep getting an error popup when I launch the version given here that says "Error opening translation file English". Never ever seen this before in MAME. How do I resolve this?

  2. 25 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    XBOX controllers are xinput, and work out of the box in MAME.

    The dpad isn't working - but the sticks do. I haven't been able to get the dpad working with any newer versions of mame for quite some time now. I also have an older version (0.161) which is dinput patched and the dpad works no problem with this patched one. 

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