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Everything posted by Emulatorsunited

  1. Thank you for these instructions! I will try this. And since I have been looking into getting a new controller, I might as wel get me an official one!
  2. Thank you for your reply! I used the 0.20 version, but I am definitely gonna update to 0.35. I am determined to make this work! This is such a great collection!! Thanks for all your effort!
  3. I reccently downloaded this magnificent package of games and replaced my c64 in launchbox with this one! i have one problem, my controller is not working. I use a speedlink controller with Xbox layout. I got really excited to see the buttons were mapped, but so for no luck in getting it to work. Before I start fiddling to much and break something I thought it wise to ask here. I was under the assumption it was plug and play, but maybe I am missing something.
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