I'm new to LaunchBox/BB, but I did buy a premium membership in order to use BB specifically for attract mode, with images and music to make my bar top unit I'm building pull me in on my many trips to the fridge each day. I also created a FREE Emumovies account, so I can't access videos, but game music is available, which is great.
I do love the software... the media/metadata tools are invaluable, and I'm never going to contest that.... however... the biggest part of my library is Arcade games, and for whatever reason BB just will not play music for arcade games. I currently only have one other platform on there, SNES, and the game music comes up once the box cover is selected, works great, but this is a tiny part of my library, and therefor it's almost never actually functioning the way I intended when I purchased the software.
Does anyone have any recommendations? I've looked everywhere I can think of for a setting to fix this, and I certainly never selected or changed one that was platform specific, so I'm reaching out for help.
HP mini computer, upgraded to Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, nothing but games, emulators and front end software on this thing. I don't think any of that matters, but there are my details.
Thank you