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Posts posted by WInzen

  1. 1 minute ago, Headrush69 said:

    If you start menu.bat instead of the game directly, when you hit escape, it should return to the menu, which you would have to hit escape a second time.

    I've never shot the guy running out from the sheriff's office as well. I had this issue when running Singe1 also. I really left investigating it until my Sinden's arrives as well. I do see from using the -t trace option that the gun is locked for a a bit on that scene and it could be firing too soon could be a problem. If I figure it out for sure, I'll let you know.

    thanks for all the help. its all working correctly now but once i have the pc in the arcade machine and install the light guns (with recoil!) i might ask you how you got on. 

    Not sure how many of us are playing these old games but for me its what i played with my dad when i was small and now plan to use it to help us spend more time together haha

    Feel free to say hi on anything so i can return the help ;)

    Im making custom art work for these games specifcally which ill post for all. Need a good collage pic for LB for all these games!

  2. ok so after removing all those useless torrent scripts it now runs without a crash so clearly they were the issue! Thanks for telling me to remove them haha

    I am launching from launch box and then big box long term.  I notice that menu bat launches singe2 in the background.

    I suspect having 2 front ends isnt idea.


    • When I exit pressing escape I notice singe 2 is still running in the background.  DO you know how i can Force it to shut down upon escape ?


    • ALso as a side note....i notice that in mad dog the first shooter at the sherrifs office wont die and so wont allow progress. Some bottles dont blow up either.  Im using a mouse. I plan to use sinden once its all working.  Do you have this issue at all?


    bad man.png

  3. From LB. As you can see im running from the menu bat (see below) , as when i click on the exe it says error unable to locate script (see image)

    As i know nothing about scripts i suspect its the lack of script which is a problem ?

    Your setup looks correct. Mine looks flawed. 


    Should I be running the singe in the background while using the menu bat? maybe thats the issue.  I removed all those scripts and it seems to be running much better :)

    But would like to get it set up in LB correctly..

    Did you make a script ?  CAn i have a copy or a look at your file placement...


    thanks for help..means a lot.



  4. 17 minutes ago, Headrush69 said:

    I was referring to corruption within one of the files, not the files you have per say. (That's why I wanted to know if it was just Mad Dog)

    I can say that my Singe2 installation does not have any of those xml and sqlite files. By chance did you originally use Singe1 with Daphne?

    Basically, it makes sure you aren't running fullscreen, with the console window open so you can see "debug" information. I did a little more testing and it appears just adding the -t option will also had that debugging info into a file trace.txt inside the script folder of the game you are running. So I would add that option to however you are launching Singe2, run MAd Dog, let it crash and than check that file for possible errors messages.

    Possibly I have set it up wrong. Can i see a photo of your set up?  I found if i dont have those scripts which came with the rom packs , then they wont run via the menu exe.

    I am brand new so only know singe 2.00.  I have never seen daphne.

    I am not sure how to put in the commands but im guessing you do that in the exe launcher...




  5. 13 minutes ago, Pixelpiper said:

    IME, this can only become an issue when you later make changes to the name. If you don't touch the name or anything to do with platform settings that might affect the name, LB will happily run forever with whatever name you originally call the platform. This applies to all versions of LB I've used over the past 13 months. About half my platforms were using varying custom names until yesterday evening. Coincidentally, I just standardized last night to make sure all platforms show up properly on the Pegasus Frontend when using Launchbox integration.

    On the latest version (11.9) if you rename a platform, internal pointers are migrated and everything continues to work. It just doesn't do anything with the game files on disk and you'll end up with two game folders for that platform, the original one with all your games, and the new named one, empty, until you import more games and it starts to get populated. Then you'll have your platform split among two folders (PITA).

    Can't say I've ever seen a platform completely disappear from the UI or xml from disk while doing any importing, Emu setup or even renaming platforms.

    thanks for reply.  Yes that was the issue.  If i changed the name after setting it up it caused a cascade effect of faults.  Beyond that I dont know. But if I dont change the names post import then i dont get the problem.  As said earlier it could be it was hiding the images and not actually deleting them.  I was so paniced when it started happening I could be wrong.  I too had not seen this issue until it started to happen.

    Thanks for further info.  I will build this arcade machine if it kills me haha



  6. 51 minutes ago, Headrush69 said:

    I tested again before posting, no issues.

    No way of knowing for sure but could be where you acquired your Mad Dog files... bad singe file possibly. Knowing for sure whether it's just that game or several would help narrow it down.

    Maybe try running without the -f, -z, and -w options and adding the trace option -t, might display an error that may help.

    ive attached an image of my drive setup above...

    maybe you can see the issue comapred to yours ?

    as said all files from the official site kangaroo punch studios  / singe

    What does " -f, -z, and -w options and adding the trace option -t, might display an error that may help. " mean ?

    thanks for help.



  7. 3 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    If this was actually a bug we would have thousands of people screaming at us about it, but we don't, you are the only person i have seen with this issue. I myself have seven platforms where i am not using the default naming, (most of these are PC platforms that default to "Windows" but i have renamed to Steam, Origin, Ubisoft connect, etc, i also have a platform called Arcade PC which is not a platform in our database) and i have never had any issues at all with corruption of my .xml files. I think you may have a more serious underlying issue here somewhere.

     ive installed it all from scratch and everytime same issue and its all brand new hardware with no other issues. 

    BUT i agree if it was a known bug many would be screaming haha

    So just a bug for me with my setup maybe... 

    who do i report this too so they can look deeper or does it not matter as its not a problem if i dont change the names? 

    Im just relieved its no longer hiding or moving or losing 4000 roms every few hours haha

    Def an underlying issue somewhere but its only happneing with this software and when i change the names so :?

    thanks for help all the same :)


    ps while youre being helpful...i have 66gb of images.  When you remove roms does it remove old images ? as ive removed 3000 roms but worry there info is all still there taking up space...




  8. it may just be with mad dog.  Can you test mad dog and see if it crashes. Or are you aware of why it might crash?

    I am using the software direct from the webiste.  CAn i ask how youre running it and are you using LB ?

    thanks for reply

  9. NEW win 10 intel 5 8 gb ram 500 gb ssd internal gpu

    hello :)

    so my singe 2.00 / daphne games randly crash as they progress.  Crashes to desktop closing the software entirely.

    A good example for anyone to test is - play mad dog 1 and progress to the choose a location menu and choose anyone then play and it will crash every time in those 4 areas.  No idea if this is a time played problem or specific to those areas but it prevents progress.

    I am building an arcade for family and this game is the most important so I hope for it to work perfectly within reason.

    Ive googled this but its old tech.

    • Does anyone use these lazer disc games and if so any issues?

    thanks for any help.



  10. The problem after repeated testing is the platform name.  If I give the platforms any name which isnt auto genrated ..like a custome name like SNES , then over time that fudges up and the entire thing starts to courrpt. This seems like a pretty big bug but i can easily test it just by messing with the names.  This even ahppens if i manually changed all the settings to reflect that name.  No idea why but i fixed it by using the defaults names.  A week later and no more issues.

    Thanks for help.

  11. On 2/15/2021 at 5:42 PM, neil9000 said:

    Most emulators exit with the Escape key, this is what Launchbox sends when you set a exit combo in the controller mappings section of Launchbox/Bigbox. As for Windows games you never want to exit like that, there is a reason consoles and PC games tell you not to turn them off when they are saving or loading data, you risk corruption, just exit via the games own menu.

    thank you that makes sense!

  12. So I noticed that im running out of space.   And I see that IMAGES and MUSIC and VIDEO is now nearly 1/5 of my 500gb drive space. As well as my roms.

    Maybe you have experience with this and cam make suggestions.   But I  am still adding new roms and plan on adding the BB jukebox and music files.

    This is a dedicated pc win 10 LAUNCHBOX system with only launchbox and related software.

    I have 2 drives.

    1. 500gb ssd for software system and most roms
    2. 2TB hd for backup and lazerdisc games.

    Trying to keep roms on the faster drive but that is becoming increasingly difficult.  Also not sure how much spare space I should have.


    • Can someone suggest what should be where and if there is anything i dont need or how they would do it differently to optimise space and efficency ?


    Thanks ?





  13. How can i force escaping out of all games please?

    Ive seen a few old posts on this without replies...

    I need to escape from windows games and some other emulators and roms which can get locked for no apparent reason.

    Maybe a script but I have never done script so would need a little help with that.

    Thank you :)

  14. 6 hours ago, neil9000 said:

    Are you calling both platforms the same name? That wont work for obvious reasons, you would end up with just one platform. You also dont have to import two different platforms to use two different emulators, you can right click any game and edit the emulator it uses, you can also do this in bulk by holding CTRL and clicking multiple games first.


    Those are not the options i said, i meant these in my below image.



    No , each platform has it's own name.  And it's own folder and it's own emulator.

    But ive spent some time and they all share a folder with 2 emus and work.

    But while doing that some other games on other platforms have lost their images.


    I have not clicked on any of those settings.  The are not clicked.  But its almost as if it is hiding them by auto selecting them?

    I have like 5000 + roms...is that an issue?

    thanks for help


  15. 1 minute ago, neil9000 said:

    OK, that looks fine. Pc-Engine isn't in your image though, though TurboGrafx-16 is, those are really the same systems just the US Vs Jap name, so what are you actually importing that system as name wise? Also you can check under the view dropdown at the top of Launchbox, that you are not "hiding games missing Insert Media Type".

    I have pc engine and turbo as I have Jap and US full sets as I grew up with both etc.

    I import some systems with custom names and then set them up in the emu with that custom name and custom core.

    But with pc engine i use NEC PC Engine and scrape as turbo 16 , as for some reason LB wont find the roms under just pc engine. 

    Is scraping the issue ?

    But with other systems which have also vanished they have the default names.

    Sega DC has 2 platforms, as they use 2 different emus because some wont run on retroarch so i use redream.

    Ive clicked on HIDDEN GAMES AND BROKEN GAMES.  They were both unclicked.  Will that fix this?

    What could be causing this genuinely huge problem for my arcade dream plans haha :?

    thanks for help


  16. 10 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Can i see a image of your Launchbox/Data/Platforms folder please?

    here it is,

    i just lost pc engine but will reinstall it later.

    I feel something in here is competing and causing it to screw up and 100% my fault but i still need to know what ive done lol so i can correct it and stop the panic. 

    Also I have many custom settings in all these platforms so its not just a case of re importing them or it is but then added hours of custom images etc.



  17. 4 minutes ago, neil9000 said:

    Well, what you are saying makes no sense at all, Launchbox doesnt just randomly delete stuff. When you say missing i assume you are referring to the UI? If you go and look at the actual image folders i assume the media is still there? Launchbo/Images/Name Of Platform/Name of Image Type. Also you say actual Platforms disappear, again is this just in the UI or from your PC completely? You can look in Launchbox/Data/Platforms for the platform .xml files.

    Hello thanks for help. I am aware it makes no sense as ive spent some time trouble shooting and searching online as always rather than waste time. 

    So I have some more info.  Just now I had lost all my dreamcast / some of my mega / all of my pc engine.  So I restarted and it was still gone.  But then it all appeared again while I was swapping between platforms.  So that is what is happening.  It is not so much deleting anything but losing location maybe ?  So one minute its all there but then it cant find it and its not.

    Maybe there are settings files countering each other? maybe some thing ive done twice and theyre conflicting....?

  18. Win10 / intel 5 internal gpu / 8 gb ram / ssd 500gb / 2 tb support drive

    latest drivers (I think).  Off line brand new dedicated EMULATOR PC for an arcade cab.


    So having a rough day as after a week of setting up LAUNCH BOX , the software has started to lose all my games platform by platform, randomly with no reason or rhyme.

    I have set up many platforms using different emulators and everything works perfectly but...1 by 1 my days of work is being deleted and when I used system restore it does nothing.

    I am losing entire games and all their images.  But only in LB not on the drive.

    I keep reinstalling entire sets which take like an hour or more to install but then they vanish after ive installed something else or restarted.  And not always all the games...it's all so random.  I think it is even deleting in real time while im using the software.

    I have no idea why any of this is happening but it is ruining my plan to build an arcade machine for my family haha

    Please help if you can as this is very serious to me after so much hard work and effort.

    Thank you for your help in advance :)


  19. On 4/23/2018 at 1:41 AM, Retro808 said:

    You could place this AHK script in the AutoHotKey tab of the edit emulator screen of Launchbox. Go to tools/manage emulators and then edit your Dolphin emulator setup.



    Could you expand on this please?  I have the issue that either exit esc wont work at all or it works but crashes or ends up on the launchbox with dophin running but jammed.  Pls assist if possible.  Thank you.

  20. hey

    so i have retroarch and redream but they wont run some roms.  SO im trying demul as a last resort.

    I have the latest version and many dreamcast bios which seem to work find elsewhere but in demul I get the message "unable to find 'set5v0.41bin' in romset 'dc'. 

    So im guessing either i dont have it or its in the wrong place but i used a guide and it all seems to be correct.

    Who knows...maybe you do ?

    Pls assist and if you have an alternative emu for DC pls suggest.









  21. 3 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    Same way as the FBA cores.

    Well if you do a full set import there is an option to auto generate playlists and NeoGeo is one of them.

    Probably the auto generated playlists.

    Playlist aren't extra roms, they are simply playlists, think of them like shortcuts.

    ahhh that makes more sense.  Hmmm so I auto generated some which I guess I can use.  My only issue with this is though I have full sets some of the neo geo roms auto generated into LB are asian versions.  Not sure how to make it into the English versions despite using NORTH AMERICA as preference.

    I cannot import a full set again as it takes hours for me and then it took me 7 days of editing to test and remove what i would call no longer viable games in 2021 (the really bad stuff haha).

    I sadly still do not understand how to mess with these cores (though I did google this).  I have a selection in mame slider but none of them are hoz scanlines without being way too dark and not sure which slider brightens the screen or lessens the scanlines.  The irony is both retro arch and snes9 emulators automatically do perfect scanlines but mame is a literal night mare to achieve this same authentic arcade look haha

    sorry for my ignorance...i have gone from knowing nothing at all to building my first MAME pc from scratch and fully installing all the software up to big box and getting a full mame set and chd up and running (almost).  But I still have so much to learn and have to keep asking stupid questions haha



  22. 2 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    There typically is not a NeoGeo specific rom set out there other than meant for the flash drive or who knows what version.

    It's packed in with Mame and FBA sets.

    Unfortunately not but you can try this older batch file, I think it was for the Split set.


    Are you not going to have the full Mame set imported as well ? If you did you could just use a playlist for Neo instead of spreading roms about.

    thanks for reply

    how do i use the "Mame RA core" ?  pls


    I will try that separator thanks.


    Playlist? So does that mean I have to individually add all the neo geo roms and would that work like a platform?

    I just want to get them on their own.  I noticed that there is snk classics and snk neogeo mvs sub headings under my ARCADE main heading.  Are they playlists and if so why are they separate and can i just get them all together ?

  23. 17 minutes ago, Lordmonkus said:

    All the arcade games yes.

    Mame has a different shader system. You could use the Mame RA core if you prefer the shaders.

    Your roms are probably too new for the old cores, use FBAlpha if you have an up to date rom set.

    If you have a Non Merged Mame rom set I have a batch file that you can use to pull out a separate set.




    hello...i dont know where to "get" an up to date rom set for neogeo (not sure if im allowed to ask).  ~Also Is it an undated pack like mame?

    how do i use the "Mame RA core" ?

    I have mame full set 228 split and chd 228 merged so not sure if that helps....

    I just want to separate my platforms in prep for BigBox :)

    thanks for any help


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