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Big ady

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Everything posted by Big ady

  1. This one works great, full screen artwork, thanks for the quick fix..
  2. i had a quick look in there, ill leave it to you though.. Thank you.
  3. Hey RL whats your video settings ? i get half the screen missing lol.
  4. Happy New Year to everyone, RL thank you for your dedication and hard work..👍
  5. Thanks RL a milestone has been reached...
  6. one of my favourite games, dam hard as well, thanks for this one..
  7. Another week and another great set of artwork's, much of them wanted for my setup.. thanks .
  8. This looks great on the big screen.. Thanks.
  9. I think I use the Pleiads one for now ?
  10. I think Total Carnage is a similar game.
  11. Was looking forward to this one, thanks RL..
  12. Thanks again RL, great job as always.
  13. I've sorted it, I use the Bgfx mode, it only works in OpenGL or direct 3d mode, but I can just set it for that game.. cheers..
  14. Seawolf2. Not sure why but i can only see the game screen with the option "backdrops off" in the tab/ video options in mame. then it misses the top portion of the artwork off, i only see the reflections, not the game until i turn backdrops off..
  15. wow, feeling spoilt this weekend RL, Thank you.
  16. yes, great one thanks RL, we need more verticals...lol
  17. yay, back on track, Thank you..
  18. I for one don't mind the scratches, and there not on every artwork, if I don't see scratches/reflections, I'm disappointed lol, each and everyone to there own, and maybe in the 80's the arcades were in better condition, but these artworks are about playing the 80's machines now, and this is what condition some would be in, I've got the new machine looking artworks but I prefer these as its about the artwork complementing the game and as I've said to RL before and I say it again, thanks for these artworks.
  19. I love the scratches, even the wife asked if they were real ?.
  20. Thanks RL, appreciate them as always.
  21. Hey RL, thanks for the recent Artworks, have a good weekend .?
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