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Everything posted by vicfrankenstein

  1. I'm trying to reset up LED blinky after I added light guns. It messed up the buttons a little bit and I remapped everything in a retroarch and mame. I also remapped LED blinky in the controls editor. Now all the correct buttons light up except for mame. In the controls editor, it doesn't allow me to edit the lights on Mame. Unless I go to each game individually which would take forever. It's lighting up the third and fourth player as the one and two. Is there any way to change this? It seems to be confused in mame about which controller is player 1 and player 2, etc..
  2. Thank you! Is there an easy way to duplicate the build and install it making a separate build? I know how to backup the settings, but I figured I'd need to do the roms and everything as well.
  3. I've got a theme that I'm happy with for my standup arcade system. However, it's got thousands of games and many different consoles, options, etc... It's easy to get lost or go to a game that's not tested. Is there a good front end theme that is easy to navigate and will only show a small swathe of games that have been tested and work well on the machine? Anything you can recommend?
  4. So I have an arcade cabinet with four controllers on it. With Mame and the arcade system all the controllers are perfect with one two three and four right where they should be. However when I start using an NES emulator like FCEUmm, it makes the far left controller player one, which is difficult. How do I change this back? I don't see any options in the menu for controller order.
  5. So I can't get Sega Genesis games to load in retroarch or launchbox. It goes through the motions, loads the joysticks, everything, then just closes and goes back to launchbox. Here are the settings. Any ideas? It's in an Arcade cab with joysticks if that matters at all.
  6. So, we've got a pinball machine and another arcade game, galaga, and they both are getting played more than our arcade cabinet with more than 4000 games. I think it's because there are so many games that everyone gets overwhelmed they turn it on. We've got a nice theme loaded on there, but I was wondering is there a way to do a splash opening screen that only shows like the six top games when they turn it on? That way when they turn it on it's a lot less overwhelming. Sorry if this is a noob question, but still learning
  7. Thanks, I wasn't sure which one this question belonged in. It's a troubleshooting question, but a very noob one. The buttons work fine in the game, however, when I use retroarch to map the hotkeys, it recognizes the Dpad, hat, and triggers, and even start and select buttons, but ignores presses of ABXY.
  8. So I've got an arcade cabinet with 4 controllers and 6 buttons each. I'm trying to use my Xbox One controller for systems like Nintendo 64 where I need more buttons. However, the buttons don't register in retroarch. They register in Launchbox and Bigbox. I can even map them fine in Bigbox control mapping, however, when I go to retroarch to configure the buttons and it waits for input, it doesn't recognize anything. It recognizes my stick and dpad fine though, just not the buttons. Anyone know a fix for this? It's my first time using the controller.
  9. So, I've got an Arcade cab and it's working great with Arcade games and NES games. Now I want to get it working with things like PS1. I've got a couple of Xbox one controllers. However, how do I set these up for use in the cores, such as PS1? One instruction I read was to enter the quick menu so I could change it and save the new controller for that core. However, the controller set up is limited and only lets me choose device type a PlayStation controller, dual shock, analog controller, analog Joystick, Guncon, justifier, Mouse, neGcon. No choice for XBox one. And there's also no mapping in the quick menu so I don't even know how to point it to the correct controller. I don't want to mess up my work on the MAME and NES which are running perfectly. Any tips on how to get this controller working? With all the buttons, I should be able to get this working on all the rest of the games, once I figure out how to get over this hump.
  10. So I'm finally upgrading my four zero delay controllers to ipac. It's a four-player arcade cabinet with eight buttons each including start and coin. I was going to go to an ipac 4, but then I read somewhere that two ipac 2s are better for setup. Is this true?
  11. Sorry. I'm using retroarch and I'm using the fcuemm_liberto core. (Although I'm open to the using another core if one works better.)
  12. I know it's a simple fix, but I'm not sure how to do it. I've been playing with the core emulators for NES as I was having some control problems. However now that I reverted to the original core, I can't get it open in full screen, the NES games just opens a window. Is there a setting I'm missing to make sure it opens in full screen?
  13. Thanks for the reply! I'll try to update retroarch first and then try some of the other solutions. The weird thing is left and right work perfectly, but it's just up and down that are off. It's strange!
  14. Hey guys, any help would be appreciated. I'm not sure what's happening, but in retroarch while using my arcade cabinet, down is up and up Is down on the joystick. I've changed it numerous times and it still reverts to going the wrong way. I've entered retroarch through the game, through launch box, I've done everything I know to do. However, I can't get this fixed. I've attached a video going through what exactly I'm talking about even showing the settings. Here's the video of what I'm talking about. https://youtu.be/h3zs81ORJT4 I honestly don't know where to go from here. MAME works perfectly.
  15. So I noticed some of the games want a coin button for each individual player. That is going to tie up all four coin buttons at the top. Is it possible to make just one coin button for all of them? That way I can use those the other three buttons for things like pause, record, etc.
  16. So I've got a 4 player arcade cab that's getting a lot of use. I love the idea of LEDBlinky showing people which buttons are used for which games. However, I have four Zero Delay's running the system. I've thought about getting an I-Pac4 or two I-PAC2s just so I can use LEDBlinky. Is it worth it? I know from reading the forums here that I-PACs are more difficult to install and not really a lot of other benefits.
  17. So I've got most of the emulators working, however, I can't run Dragon's Lair. Everytime I try, it says loading and then kicks me back to Launchbox. When back, the buttons are frozen and I have to use escape from the keyboard to get back. What emulator are you all using for Daphne and Dragon's Lair? I just can't seem to get it to work.
  18. Thanks for this! I can't quite follow it as I would love to add this to my unit. Where are modes in Launchbox? Also when I search by Max players, it never works.
  19. Tab worked perfectly! Apparently the MAME core was overriding everything from retroarch. Thanks everyone! Quick question, I've watched videos on Retroarch, but apparently every game uses a different core within retroarch, so I need to learn these too. Any good videos you would recommend that does a bit more of a deep dive rather than just how to set it up? I'd love to know how it works so I can know how to fix it.
  20. Thanks everyone, I will try those options and let you know. I'm not trying to circumvent the learning process, I've been trying to find videos on this, but can't. The majority of the videos cover xbox controllers or mainly how to organize. I got the wolfanoz pack so everything seems organized. It is just the fine tuning, and honestly I'd love to learn more about what and why it's working. So any videos you can recommend, I would appreciate. Thanks again for all your help!
  21. I've had Launchbox for a month and it's rendered my cabinet unusable. With retropie, I was up and going in no time. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have four controllers hooked to four USB Zero Delays. They are mapped in Big Box itself. Then I went and mapped each one on retroarch. There we go. With the retro pie, that was it.... Now they would work in the game. However, when I play NBA Jam tournament edition, only one controller shows up. The other ones don't work. Also my retro arch hot key binds don't work so I cant open the in game menu to fine tune the controls. Then I launch NBA Jam TE again, but this time go to Launch With then it shows retroarch, I click start, then the word changes to mame_liberto, I hit start again, now it starts. All four players are working, except now several of the controller directions are reversed. I can get into retro arch and it shows 1.7.7 MAME, but I still can't find tune my joysticks. I'm not sure where to go from here. What does it launch when I just click play? What does it launch when I go through and click launch with? Why are they different? Where can I find tune these? Any help would be greatly appreciated, after a couple weeks of not being able to even use this, I don't know what to do.
  22. So my 4 controllers (which use USB Zero Delay encoders) weren't working or mapped at all. So I went into retroarch and configured each one. While there I see that players 2, 3, and 4 aren't active. Also I put player 1 joystick upside down so I fixed the map on that. I fixed those problems and mapped them all. Then I go play a game, like street fighter, then the other controllers don't work, and player one is mismapped again. So it's not loading the updated config. If I go to launch with and select liberto, the other players show up, but player one is still mismapped. I go back to retro arch and everything is saved and should be working. Why won't retro arch use my new config and controller mappings? I've rebooted and everything. I'm at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Is there anywhere to reorder them as far as player 1, etc? Also map the buttons? I know Windows is supposed to have something, but not sure where.
  24. Thanks, I'll try F2. That seems easy enough.
  25. So I've got an arcade cabinet and have been salivating over Bigbox for a while, so I finally got a PC and made the jump. I've bought a license and everything is hooked up. I've got 4 players set up with Zero Delay USB Encoders. Most of the how-to on set up go into how to set up controllers like X-box. Not many go into how to set up Arcade Cabinets. Could someone point me in the right direction? It's little things like in Retropie, I knew in a game, I'd set up a hotkety (Select&Start) to enter retroarch and fine tune the controllers if I needed to. Here I don't even know how to get into retroarch without backing out and running it from Windows. I've haven't even found out where to do the initial game controller set up and mapping.... I'll admit it after thinking I knew how to use retropie, I've went to being completely lost in Bigbox. Any help or pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
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