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Mr. Shizzy

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  1. Thank you very much! BG images are now correctly taking precedent over gameplay screenshots. However, a small bug remains: Steam Screenshot is still taking precedent over fan-art background images. And I have double checked my launchbox settings. Steam Screenshot isn't even checked.
  2. Okay I've fixed the issue by going to Manage > Emulators > Vita3k > and unchecking the "Attempt to hide console window on startup/shutdown" I'll leave this post up in case anyone else encounters the same issue.
  3. Launchbox (Windows, paid, beta 13.19 beta 3) has suddenly stopped launching all my Vita games I've had previously setup and working. Not sure if this was due to an update in Launchbox or Vita3K... I've tried tinkering a bunch of stuff to no avail. Can anyone on the latest Launchbox beta confirm they have Vita3K launching games from Launchbox? If you do have it working, could you please share some insight? Cheers!
  4. Unable to update Publisher info on existing database games (Nintendo Switch in my case)
  5. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you, here, I just noticed this. But yes, that was exactly the problem I was encountering, and i am thrilled to hear this has been resolved! Many thanks to the Launchbox Team!
  6. Hello, friends! My problem is that Screenshot (gameplay) images are taking priority over background images in Launchbox (latest build - Windows, Licensed). Been doing this since the latest update. And yes, I have checked options to make sure the Background Image Priorities are set up correctly. Thanks in advance to anyone who can offer insight!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Video snap for Yo! Noid II: Enter the Void. File is h265 .mp4, 640x360 resolution. 51 seconds in length. 3.85 mb in size * gameplay footage from: Internet Rebel - War Boys Entertainment (YouTube)
  8. Hi all! Long time contributor to the database here. Just wondering what's up with the troll who votes to reject EVERY single submission I make? (btw I have 10,657 approved submissions, so it's not like I'm doing something wrong here) My guess is it's someone who's a competitor to launchbox, in here trying to screw with y'alls database... At any rate, I'm sure this is confusing to people who are submitting to the database for the first time. I hope that the admin team can look into this, and either straighten the troll out, or get rid of him.
  9. Still having trouble adding new (Nintendo Switch) games to the database. When I hit submit, it loads forever. This seems to happen about 75% of the time. Happening on both Opera and Chrome (Windows).
  10. Hi all, So I'm writing because the database is causing me grief. Often, when I attempt to upload a new game, punch in all the info, and upload the images, then hit submit, it will just load forever, and never finalize my submission. I just made 3 attempts to upload a new nintendo switch entry, and it did this all 3 times. I like helping add to the database, as it helps everybody. But this is getting really frustrating. Could this issue please be looked into?
  11. Version 1.0.0


    A nice little video snap I made for Goomba's Easter Egg Hunt (N64 Rom Hack) . * some video used from official trailer H265 format, 3.36 mb, 41 seconds long.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    A nice little video snap I put together for New Super Mario Land (SNES homebrew) h265 MP4 format, 1280x70 resolution, 30 seconds in length, 3.55 mb in size * some video footage used from a youtube video by "Prolefeed 101"
  13. Could you please post an example? I can't get this to work. It doesn't acknowledge my entries. I must be doing it wrong.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Video Snap I made for the newly-released romhack -- Castlemania for Super Nintendo. Video footage was used from the official release video on Youtube.
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