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Everything posted by T-tot

  1. No problem whatsoever! Thanks for your time and attention thus far, I know you guys get a million questions. Not sneak editing you was just trying to be clear. So my whole family uses this, my wife prefers Eclipse (Looks behaves like Netflix, other TV based apps) and I'm willing to switch just to get her to play. I prefer to test new themes from the community and change up the look on occasion, But I consistently come back to some mix of below quoted from prior post I would like to be able to reset to it instead of one by one over and over until the next swap: Example: Main Big Box theme Cover box, for some systems that dont have the custom art just generic within cover box. I prefer to use 3 or 4 others for example City hunter using the "apply to specific platform". Once set to my liking if I were to then change to any other theme to test or get a change of scenery. I would then have to re-apply former theme breakouts manually Thanks again for your efforts!
  2. @C-Beats Thank you so much for the quick response. Respectfully, I dont think thats the question the OP and I are asking, or I am not fully understanding your response. So the per platform settings do save, but.... if a new theme comes out we apply it as main theme, then boom those per platform/custom platform saves are wiped. Now, I understand that I can go back and recover that from the backup folder instantly but lets say I decide I want to return to those "custom" settings a week later, and I have painstakingly added some MSDOS games I found in my "attic"... either that backup with my custom platform settings are wiped from due to the system backup methodology or, I save the backup files static somewhere and now my new adds are not included. Thanks in advance for your time. Some of us are as indecisive as 8 year old kids looking at a menu with too many options. Just wanting to find a way to properly be able to revert back to that custom platform subset without losing other aspects, or work performed.
  3. I have the same question would be great to get this answered I have this question in now two threads, I will respond to other if I can get an answer. To try to assist the original question in what we are looking for see my quote from another thread below. Summary Short: Want a mix of user created themes by platform and the ability to save a hard copy to revert to without coding out a custom theme. Situation: I have a main theme selected and a number of supplementary themes for platform game wheels. I want to make a custom preset to hold my current multi theme Big Box, so that if I try a new main theme it does not wipe my current layout. How do I do that? I don't want to create a custom theme from scratch or re-write code, just join different platform themes together. There is no "Current Theme" within the themes folder to hard copy and revert, just the installed themes. I dont want to work off backups as those are perishable and I dont want revert other changes. Example: Main Big Box theme Cover box, for some systems that dont have the custom art just generic within coverbox. I prefer to use 3 or 4 others for example City hunter using the "apply to specific platform". Once set to my liking if I were to then change to any other theme to test or get a change of scenery. I would then have to re-apply former theme breakouts manually as most themes only have the "apply as main theme" option.
  4. Apologies for jumping on this thread with a new question, but it seemed fitting given the title and recentness. Summary: I have a main theme selected and a number of supplementary themes for platform game wheels. I want to make a custom preset to hold my current multi theme Big Box so that if I try a new main theme it does not wipe my current layout. How do I do that? There is no "Current Theme" within the themes folder just the installed themes. and I dont want to work off backups as those are perishable and I dont want revert other changes. Example: Main Big Box theme Cover box, for some systems that dont have the custom art just generic within coverbox. I prefer to use 3 or 4 others for example City hunter using the "apply to specific platform". Once set to my liking if I were to then change to any other theme to test or get a change of scenery. I would then have to re-apply former theme breakouts manually as most themes only have the "apply as main theme" option Thanks in advance and sorry for the piggyback but it was somewhat relative.
  5. T-tot


    Thanks Fry! Figured it out I downloaded/installed your theme initially via the bigbox system menu>manage themes. This method works (runs your theme) but does not allow the manage eclipse options. Running LB 13.5 this is what was available via the tools tab/dropdown. There was no manage eclipse option via the tools tab on my end from bigbox install. Downloading and placing the full folders in their intended paths per forum instructions corrected the issue. Flawless victory Thanks for your work
  6. T-tot


    Awesome work!!!! Love this theme!!! You theme creators really add alot to make big box what it is! Hate to ask but I would like to speed up the delay between the videos and the images when scrolling, Opened up the files available in the themes folder and did not find a place to change the value. If I could get pointed to the correct location it would be much appreciated!!
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