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Everything posted by Amoebiuss

  1. Anyway we could automate this option? Plex had the same problem at one point but that can be changed. Going game by game and checking if you want to ignore 'the' 'an' is tedious. Would greatly appreciate it
  2. This is all great info but splitting some roms into region categories is difficult. I am running into serious issues with Sega Master System, some roms are "Alex Kidd - High-Tech World (USA, Europe, Brazil)" or "Alex Kidd in Miracle World (USA, Europe)", so like creating a USA and EUROPE separately, etc. is causing me headaches, any suggestions ?
  3. Hi all, I am a new user to launchbox, lifetime subscribed last week. So I have a couple of questions as I am still learning some things about it. So if anyone can help As an example, I have an "Emerson Arcadia 2001" No-Intro pack. It has 48 roms. I use the launchbox wizard to import the roms, just standard way of doing it. No cover download or emumovies download. If they are zipped and imported, only 46 roms show up and missing 2, (Capture (USA, Europe) (Spiders (USA, Europe). If I unzip them and they are *.bin files, and I import, 5 are missing (Circus (Europe), Space Mission (USA, Europe), Space Vultures (USA, Europe), Star Chess (USA, Europe), Super Gobbler (Europe). I checked the launchbox games database and they do exist and have coverart, etc. I also tested this a bit with other platforms and I am getting various issues, all I want is if I have 100 roms, they all get imported, all 100, everytime. During the import process launchbox does not even tell me which ones it did not import. If I check the 'audit' function, that also does not tell me how many games are imported and no duplicates are listed. I am finding some serious issues with this at the moment. During import I don't use the 'combine rom function', Basically no option selected. And that really should not make any difference to the import process. I have been using plex for years with movies and tv shows, on that software if I import 50 movies, 50 movies show up, even if it doesn't get them correct I have at least a chance to correct them. Am I missing something? Thanks if you can help. Cheers
  4. I don't get easily impressed but this collection is impressive, well done! I've just started out on the emulation scene thru launchbox and bigbox. I have always had it setup on my ps3, xbox360, switch but it's never been very good. I've always had tons of rom packs throughout my hdd's and it's time to put it into order. Great to see that you have separated them into sections for the languages. So I see that you have Europe, Japan and USA that I can see, what are the other 2 ? and do you keep the 5 throughout your whole collection? also how do you deal with (JUE)=USA/Europe/Japan roms as an example, what catergory do they end up in ?
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