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  1. Thank you SO MUCH! Everything works now. I think that it was the NVIDIA settings. That's all I can guess. Using Redream. Be well, and take care.
  2. Hi all, I'm noticing a lot of slowdown with Dreamcast games specifically when using either Redream or Flycast on a Windows 10 PC with a 3070. Power is not the issue here. I've tried several roms, and several setting configurations, but everything seems to be running too slow or stuttering. Examples are Ikaruga (too slow of FPS) and Crazy Taxi (stuttery; arcade version is fine; also, lots of pop-in). Any general advice is most appreciated!
  3. Sundogak, very helpful! Thank you so much. I'm downloading a new Model 3 romset dated 3 years ago. I'm sure it will be fine. I plan to just separate out my SM3 roms from the rest of my MAME Romset, thereby avoiding this whole issue. There are only a few SM3 games I like playing (and that work!), so this is a very minor thing in the end. As long as those games run fine (or close to fine), then I'm happy. Again, thanks to everyone who helped me solve this rather confusing riddle! I knew in the end that it was something easy/stupid that I was overlooking. Take care.
  4. OK, so good news: I got everything working! Once I changed the "relative path" LB provided to the Supermodel .exe and instead listed the full path within the emulator's config page to the .exe, everything worked. Plus, I needed to point Supermodel only to .zip and NOT .7z files. Question: It was said earlier by Sundogak that I should use only specific MAME Roms with Supermodel; however, I can't see where to determine what MAME Romset to use. I looked in the Games.xml file, but I don't know what I'm looking for. Any direction here is appreciated. Other than that, everything is working well now! I very much appreciate everyone's assistance with this. Be well, and take care.
  5. OK, I'm attaching 4 screenshots: Supermodel emulator settings; associated platforms page (yes, platform name here matches the actual platform list); Supermodel folder layout; and an example error log after trying to launch a game via the Supermodel UI. Why am I launching a game with the SM UI? Because when I try to launch a game with LB, it doesn't generate anything in the error log for some strange reason. But, maybe this observation is helpful. All of my MAME Roms are 7z and not zip, and Supermodel seems determined to open .zip files; HOWEVER, maybe that's just Supermodel UI's doing. I have the ROMs correctly linked inside of LB. So, then I tried using a swtrilgy.zip file I have and linking that inside of LB and then trying to launch SM, but no joy. So, it doesn't seem to be specific to the whole .7z file thing. I think it's just Supermodel UI which seems determined on naming all files with a .zip extension. Well, I'm at a complete loss. Anything someone can point out would be most appreciated! Thank you all very much for your time.
  6. Thank you for the reply, and the help offered! All of my settings match yours. I've noticed that if I place the Supermodel.exe inside of my MAME folder with its thousands of ROMs, and inform Launchbox that I've moved the Supermodel executable, then everything launches. The Supermodel.exe has to be in the same folder with the ROMs. But, if I leave the Supermodel.exe in its usual folder separate from the ROMs, then even if LB knows where the ROMs and Supermodel.exe are located, it cannot launch the ROMs. I think that I'm missing a setting within Supermodel that tells it where the ROMs are located, or something else I'm missing. Within the Supermodel folder, I have added the path to my ROMs within the ROMs "dir.txt" file. But, no joy. I may just have to find the Supermodel ROMs, extract them from the MAME folder, and then place all of them in the same folder with the Supermodel.exe to get everything to work, but I'd like to avoid removing ROMs from my MAME set, if at all possible. Any further advice? Thanks again.
  7. Hi all, I must be doing something wrong as I've read elsewhere on this form that others don't have trouble launching Supermodel games (i.e. Sega Model 3). Supermodel is setup correctly, and I can launch games from the command prompt; however, when I try to launch the same games from Launchbox, it refuses to work. I think that what's happening is that Supermodel isn't receiving the correct information from Launchbox to know where the games are located. Launchbox is connected to the actual rom paths. Thanks for any help provided!
  8. Yes, I use the 8bitdo Pro 2 on another PC in x-input without any issues. There's something in windows on the pc-in-question that's doing this. That's my guess.
  9. Hi all, I've run into a strange issue with my 8bitdo Pro 2 controller... If I set the controller into x-input mode, then any emulator I try to launch hangs for 1-2 minutes before launching. Even the general interface of the emulator won't start; but, the second I disconnect the controller, everything launches immediately. This happens for Dolphin, Retroarch, etc... Even with Steam games, the game will launch but hang for 1-2 minutes, then start. If I set the Pro 2 into d-input mode, then everything launches immediately. But, I need to set it in x-input for dolphin so that I can enable rumble for the controller, and I don't like having to wait 2 minutes for a game to launch. Any help offered is much appreciated!
  10. Hi all, I have an 8bitdo Pro2 controller I'm connecting to a PC with either Bluetooth or USB. When Retroarch starts, it states that the controller is mapped to "port 1" as a 360 controller regardless of whether I connect with BT or USB. The issue is that "Port 1" in Retroarch is actually the second port as "port 0" is the first port. Then, inside of any game, it thinks that I'm player 2. In addition, within the quick menu, when I go to "controls," and review the controls for "port 1," there are no inputs available to select. But, if I change the port to 2, 3, or 4, inputs are available. I've tried changing around the input drivers, but no luck. My 8bitdo Pro2 is set to xinput mode. Any help is much appreciated!
  11. You are the best! Thank you so much for sharing this. It all worked out great for me!
  12. OK, I figured it out. Inside of MAME, I had set the correct game path; HOWEVER, I did not high "save configuration" after doing so. Upon making this change, everything works! So, I think that I'm finally all set. Thank you all for your help!
  13. When I open up MAME, I go to "configure" and set the rompath. Also, I went to the dir.txt file in the "ROM' folder of MAME and placed the folder path for all my arcade roms there. Not sure what is the issue. If I open MAME itself, I can launch the ROMs.
  14. Thanks very much for the help! My issue now is that MAME won't launch any of the ROMs from LB even though the extensions are matching up correctly. I see a black screen flash for a moment upon launching a game, and then back to desktop. Any idea what I might be missing? All of my LB settings for the MAME emulator are stock. I'm running MAME 0.235b. Also, within MAME, I opened it up and specified the ROMs directory path. I don't know what I'm missing.
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